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{"KEYWORD_STREAMER":"Streamer","WEBSITE_DONATE":"Donate","SERVERICON_NoIcon":"Este servidor não possui um ícone!","OJJO_DESCRIPTION":"Flips an image horizontally using the right side of the image!","SERVERINFO_CREATED_IN":"Created at","PULAR_DESCRIPTION":"Skips a track.","DATEUTILS_Second":"second","TOCAR_DESCRIPTION":"Queues a track to be played!","[Translate!]DIVORCE_Description":"E cadê o amor? Divorcie da pessoa que você está casada atualmente!","USERINFO_ACCOUNT_CREATED":"Account created at","VAPORQUALIDADE_DESCRIPTION":"When you mix Q U A L I T Y and aesthetics","TOS_Description":"\u003cp\u003eTo be able to work well, I need some information about you and other Discord users. Because of that, I have my Terms of Service so that you are able to see what I get from you and of course, everything that I can do!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eBriefly: \u003cb\u003eYou are responsible of any image/video/audio/media sent to me, Abusing bugs, using self-bots or cheating are prohibited and will result in a permanent ban of the usage of my features (and other services). We collect information such as your ID, username, email, IP address, avatar, servers, messages, media and other data (but we won\u0027t distribute such information to third parties), you must not defame or damage Loritta\u0027s image, PerfectDreams, MrPowerGamerBR or any other PerfectDreams service. You may be suspended of using Loritta or any other service for any cause, you won\u0027t be able to recover data if lost, and you have to agree with everything that is in the Terms of Service.\u003c/b\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","SEARCH":"search","DASHBOARD_CommandChannelBlacklist":"Channels in which commands can not be used","MUTE_PunishAction":"Muted","DASHBOARD_Notifications":"Notificações","RATEWAIFU_Mantaro":"I\u0027ve never talked too much with Mantaro, but I know her creator is a really cool guy.","MUSICINFO_LENGTH":"Length","TRANSLATE_DESCRIPTION":"Translates a sentence to another language","AJUDA_INTRODUCE_MYSELF":"Howdy {0}, my name is Loritta (or, for close friends, \"Lori\") and I\u0027\u0027m just a simple bot for Discord!\n\nMy objective is to be a bot with general functions, extremely modular, easy to use and super customizable for every server! (Want to add me to your server? Then click [here]({1}))!\n\nCurrently you are viewing the help for **{2}**!","DASHBOARD_ServersFanClubIntro":"\u003cp\u003eServers created by users in \u003cspan style\u003d\"color: rgb(52, 152, 219); background-color: rgba(52, 152, 219, 0.0980392); font-family: Whitney, \u0027Helvetica Neue\u0027, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 600;\"\u003e@😍🎀 Fã Clube da Loritta\u003c/span\u003e (that is, people who use and like me!)\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThis list was created to \u003cs\u003eshow how many people love me\u003c/s\u003e help server owners to gain new members for their servers and, of course, show how other servers use me!\u003c/p\u003e","OCR_DESCRIPTION":"Reads the text in a image using OCR","DASHBOARD_PERMISSIONS":"Permissions","WEBSITE_STATISTICS":"Statistics","CommandCategory_SOCIAL_Description":"Human beings are sociable creatures and they need to socialize. You can interact with your family, friends, neighbors and even with your Discord server members. And, trust me, my commands are the best for you to do so.","LORITTA_HeyIDontHavePermission":"Hey, I don\u0027\u0027t have permission in **{0}** on guild **{1}**! Can you configure my role so I can speak there? Thank You! 😊","DASHBOARD_LEAVE_BAN_MESSAGE":"Message when someone is banned (keep empty to use the same message when someone leaves)","AMIGOS_DESCRIPTION":"Thanks for being **NOT YOU** the best friends of all!","LIMPAR_DESCRIPTION":"Clears the chat of your current text channel.","AMINO_COULDNT_FIND":"I couldn\u0027t find a community related to `{0}`!","DASHBOARD_AminoCommunities":"Amino Communities","RATEWAIFU_0":"Please change your Waifu.","EDITARXP_MORE_THAN_ZERO":"XP needs to be greater than 0!","RAFFLE_NotEnoughMoney":"You need to have **+{0} Sonhos** to be able to buy {1} ticket{2}!","ISUP_ONLINE":"It\u0027\u0027s only you, for me `{0}` is online! (**Response:** {1})","VEMDEZAP_MoodHappy":"Happy","MUSICINFO_VIEWS":"Views","FRASETOSCA_GABRIELA":"Gabriela, Loritta\u0027\u0027s friend","MALANIME_Status":"Stats","DASHBOARD_EntertainmentIntro":"\u003cp\u003eOne of my biggest goals is to make you (and your server members) happier, even if it just puts a small smile in your face.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThat\u0027\u0027s why I have a lot of different and funny commands to make you happy and laugh with them!\u003c/p\u003e","SAY_IDontHavePermissionToTalkIn":"Eu não tenho permissão para falar no {0}!","INVITE_INFO":"Do you want to add me in other servers? Then click [here]({0}) to add me in other server!\n\nIf you want to configure anything (like my prefix, activate commands, etc) then access my administration panel clicking [here]({1})!\n\nAnd, of course, join my guild to give suggestions, report bugs and much more! {2}","PERMISSION_MESSAGE_MANAGE":"Manage messages","FANARTS_EmbedDescription":"**Fan Art by {0}**\n**Discord**: `{1}`","PERFIL_DESCRIPTION":"Shows your profile!","[Translate!]WEBSITE_HOME":"Home","WEBSITE_DONATE_BitcoinAddress":"Bitcoin Address","WEBSITE_INTRO":"\u003cp\u003eHowdy, my name is Loritta (or, to close friends, \"Lori\") and I\u0027m just a cute bot for Discord with lots of cool features!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWhile my focus is entertainment (like funny commands and memes) I also do have social features (profile with XP and reputation) and I\u0027m also extremely customizable (you can enable/disable any command, change my prefix to whatever you want and much more!) with a simple focus: \u003cb\u003eBe the best brazilian bot for Discord!\u003c/b\u003e (Which doesn\u0027t make too much sense right now... since I also speak in English... whatever 🤷)\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003c/div\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOne of the reasons that made me become what I\u0027m today was the lack of brazilian bots for Discord, since many brazilian servers in Discord uses bots \"of low quality\" in portuguese or uses bots that speaks (actually they write) in english... and let\u0027s be honest, none of those options seems nice for the users... and that\u0027s why I promise to change that!\u003c/p\u003e","MUSICINFO_SKIPTITLE":"Do you want to skip this track?","DASHBOARD_WELCOMER":"Join/Leave Announcements","ISUP_OFFLINE":"It\u0027\u0027s not only you, for me `{0}` is also offline! (**Error:** {1})","[Translate!]EXCHANGE_Description":"Transfere sonhos para a economia local do servidor","SPIGOTMC_TESTED_VERSIONS":"Tested Versions","FRASETOSCA_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a corny phrase using various recycled messages received by me","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_NAME_CHANGED":"Notify when a text channel name is changed","RATEWAIFU_9":"An excellent waifu, good choice.","SOFTBAN_FAIL_MORE_THAN_SEVEN_DAYS":"It\u0027\u0027s impossible to softban someone for more than 7 days!","DATEUTILS_Now":"a few milliseconds","CHANNELINFO_ChannelNotFound":"Channel not found!","RATEWAIFU_4":"Not that your Waifu is bad, on the contrary! She has the potential to be something more *juicy*!","RATEWAIFU_3":"Your Waifu needs more substance.","DASHBOARD_JOIN_CHANNEL":"Join announcement channel","RATEWAIFU_2":"Don\u0027\u0027t get me wrong, but, if I was you, I would change your Waifu...","RATEWAIFU_1":"No way, change your Waifu now to ensure your sanity.","RATEWAIFU_8":"A Waifu that hits all the good points in life.","DICIO_Description":"Look up the meaning of a word in the dictionary!","RATEWAIFU_7":"Not every Waifu is perfect, but what would be the fun in living with someone perfect?","RATEWAIFU_6":"If this was an school grade, your Waifu would be \"passing grade\"","RATEWAIFU_5":"Not that bad, but not that good either, quite \"normal\"","MUSICINFO_NOMUSIC_SHORT":"No tracks...","DASHBOARD_WhoAmI":"Who am I?","WEBSITE_DONATE_MercadoPago":"\u003cb\u003eMercadoPago:\u003c/b\u003e If you have a credit card, money in your MercadoPago\u0027\u0027s balance or if you want to pay via bank-payable invoice. MercadoPago uses one-time payment. \u003ci\u003eThis is one of the best ways to help me!\u003c/i\u003e","DASHBOARD_WarnIfBlacklisted":"Warns the user if they try to execute a command in blacklisted channels.","[Translate!]MARRY_AlreadyMarried":"Você já está casado com outra pessoa! Use `{0}divorciar` antes de se casar com outra pessoa!","CALC_DESCRIPTION":"Calculates an arithmetic expression","MCQUERY_VERSION":"Version","WEBSITE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL":"Channel to announce when someone posts a new video","DASHBOARD_WarnOnMissingPermission":"Warns when I don\u0027\u0027t have permission to talk on an channel.","KEYWORD_ANIME_AND_MANGA":"Anime and Manga","DATEUTILS_Day":"day","COLOR_Shades":"Shades","CommandAliases":"Aliases","UPVOTE_BadEmail":"Your Discord\u0027\u0027s account email is invalid!","BOTINFO_MemoryUsed":"Memória Utilizada","SEEK_DESCRIPTION":"Changes the music position","CALC_INVALID":"`{0}` is not a valid artihmetic expression!","ADDEMOJI_Description":"Adiciona emojis no seu servidor a partir do link da imagem dele. Perfeito se você está cansado de ficar baixando imagens para o seu computador só para adicionar no servidor!","RBUSER_FOLLOWING":"Following","UPVOTE_NotVerified":"You need to verify your Discord account before upvoting! (Go to \"User Settings\" in Discord)","[Translate!]BOTINFO_JDAVersion":"Versão do JDA","MCMOLETOM_InvalidSkin":"This isn\u0027\u0027t a valid skin! A valid skin has size of `64x32` (1.8 format) or size of `32x32` (1.7 format)!","PAY_InsufficientFunds":"You don\u0027t have enough Sonhos to peform this transaction!","RBGAME_LastUpdate":"Last update","DASHBOARD_CommandChannelBlacklist_Description":"In these channels, I will simply ignore commands as if I was not even there (even though I am watching your messages to give XP 👀)","DASHBOARD_ServersFanClub":"Servers from the Loritta\u0027\u0027s Fan Club","SEEK_CHANGED":"Music position changed to `{0}`!","DASHBOARD_TryLoggingIn":"\u003cp\u003eYou aren\u0027\u0027t the owner or you don\u0027\u0027t have administration or manage servers rights on any server on your account!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eBefore you yell \"but I do have, you are just a worthless bot!!11!\" try checking if you are on the right account on Discord\u0027\u0027s website \u003ca href\u003d\"https://discordapp.com/channels/@me\"\u003eby clicking here\u003c/a\u003e!\u003c/p\u003e","COLOR_InvalidColor":"Color `{0}` is not a valid color!","WIKIA_DESCRIPTION":"Searches something in a Wikia fandom","EDITARXP_DESCRIPTION":"Edits the user\u0027s XP","DJ_LORITTA_DISABLED":"My music module is disabled in this guild... It seems we won\u0027\u0027t have `DJ Loritta` around here...","PING_ShardsInfo":"Shard Information","TEXTCRAFT_Description":"Crie um texto bonito e supimpa! Fontes disponíveis: {0}","RATEWAIFU_Dyno":"If the topic of the talk is event log, you can call Dyno. The only thing that is missing on him, is more configuration to the auto-mod features.","AVATAR_PantufaCute":"Yes, Pantufinha is cute too. 😊","RAFFLE_YouEarned":"You earned **{0} Sonhos** in the lottery!","[Translate!]DANCE_Description":"Dançe com alguém!","AJUDA_PleaseDonate":"To keep me online 24/7 (well, sometimes I\u0027m offline to drink water, go lunch at Outback and sometimes drink an frappuccino without coffee at Starbucks) it is necessary to pay a server for me!\n\nCurrently I\u0027\u0027m hosted in a dedicated server of 32GBs/4.00GHz at SoYouStart! This costs approximately 82 USD per month!\n\nSo, if you have a bit of money laying around because you decided to not buy that sandwich that looked a bit musty in Vieirinha\u0027s Bar, why not donate to me? I\u0027\u0027m hungry... \u003c:loritta_comendo_pudim:378551064313724928\u003e https://loritta.website/donate","AMINO_CREATED_IN":"Created at","TWITCH_Description":"Searches information about a Twitch channel","DASHBOARD_Entertainment":"Entertainment","PAUSAR_PAUSADO":"The music was paused... use {0}continuar if you want me to resume it.","MCAVATAR_AVATAR_DE":"{0}\u0027\u0027s avatar","PERMISSION_ADMINISTRATOR":"Administrator","AMIZADE_DESCRIPTION":"Tell someone your friendship ended in a simple and easy way!","DASHBOARD_WARN_ON_INVITE":"Should a message be sent to the user when an invite is detected?","MENTION_RESPONSE":"Howdy {0}! My prefix on this server is `{1}` To see what I can do, use `{1}help`!","TODAY_DESCRIPTION":"Shows something interesting that happened in this day in history!","DBL_Info":"Wanna help me grow and be a better bot? Then upvote me on Discord bot list!\u003c:discordbotlist:338808864352763904\u003e\n\nEvery vote helps me get known by more people, and with more people using me, more popular I will be!\nPlus, you are going to recieve a special upvoter badge on `{0}perfil`! Cool, isn\u0027t it? Why don\u0027t you join many other {1} people that upvoted me and helped me grow? \u003c:lori_blobnom:412582340272062464\u003e\n\n{2}\n\nYour badge will appear on your profile in 60 seconds after voting! 😉","EVENTLOG_AVATAR_CHANGED":"**{0} changed avatars**","CommandCategory_UTILS_Name":"Utilities","DASHBOARD_FilterByName":"Filter by name...","WEBSITE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID":"Channel ID (don\u0027t touch this!)","ADMINP_CHOOSE_A_SERVER":"Choose a Server","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_DELETE":"Notify when a message is deleted","WEBSITE_ACTIVATE_MODULE":"Activate module?","BOTINFO_LorittaVersion":"Versão da Loritta","[Translate!]SERVERINFO_BOTS":"Bots","WEBSITE_AUTOROLE_CLICK_TO_REMOVE_ROLE":"Click in a role in the list below to remove it!","WEBSITE_IN_SERVERS_USING_LORITTA":"in servers that use me","DASHBOARD_TextChannels":"Text Channels","BAN_PunisherRoleTooLow":"You can\u0027\u0027t punish this user, your role is lower than the role of the punished user!","RBGAME_Playing":"Playing","RATEWAIFU_10":"Simply perfect! I wouldn\u0027\u0027t change Waifus if I was you!","TEMPO_COULDNT_FIND":"I didn\u0027\u0027t find any city named `{0}`!","WEBSITE_DONATE_LikedRewards":"\u003cp\u003eI hope you liked the rewards you can get if you donate to me! I tried to choose the best exclusive advantages just for you! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/417813932380520448.png?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAfter paying, go to \u003ca href\u003d\"https://loritta.website/support\"\u003emy support server\u003c/a\u003e and send a receipt of your purchase to \u003ccode class\u003d\"inline\"\u003eMrPowerGamerBR#4185\u003c/code\u003e so you can earn every advantage and reward!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThere is a lot of ways you can help me, choose what you prefer and, again, thank you so much for wanting to help me! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/420662959975694349.gif?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you don\u0027\u0027t know what payment gateway to use...\u003c/p\u003e","[Translate!]SAY_IDontHavePermissionToTalkIn":"Eu não tenho permissão para falar no {0}!","DASHBOARD_MusicIntro":"\u003cp\u003eMusic is something extraordinary, and, sometimes, you want to share your favorite song with the members of your server, after all, who doesn\u0027\u0027t want to share the latest release from Justin Bieber?\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWith a customizable music module, you can have fun listening to your favorite song!\u003c/p\u003e","RAFFLE_BoughtTickets":"Bought tickets: **{0} Tickets**","LORITTA_PageOf":"Página {0} de {1}","DASHBOARD_ENABLE_LEAVE":"Enable announcements when someone leaves","PERFIL_XP_GUILD":"XP in {0}","USERINFO_ACCOUNT_JOINED":"Joined at","UTBOX_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a dialog box like in Undertale","CommandCategory_ROBLOX_Name":"Roblox","CommandCategory_UNDERTALE_Name":"Undertale","IMAGE_UPLOAD_NO_PERM":"I don\u0027\u0027t have permission to send files in this channel!","DASHBOARD_DeleteCommunity":"Delete Community","[Translate!]KEYWORD_HARDWARE":"Hardware","SLOWMODE_EnabledInChannel":"{0} is now on slow mode! ({1} seconds)","DASHBOARD_TransformAminoImages":"Transform \".Amino\" images into normal images in Discord","USERINFO_SHARED_SERVERS":"Shared servers","MARRY_InsufficientFunds":"Infelizmente casamentos são caros e necessitam de dinheiro para acontecer... Você precisa de mais **{0} Sonhos** para poder casar!","HUG_Response":"**{0} deu um abraço carinhoso em {1}!**","DASHBOARD_BlacklistWarning":"Message to be sent when using a command in a blacklisted channel","ERROR_SomethingWentWrong":"Something went wrong...","MUSICINFO_SKIPTUTORIAL":"**Then react with 🤦 in this message!** (If 75% of the users in the music channel reacts with 🤦, I will skip the song!)","KICK_Description":"Kicks a user from your server, you can customize the actions of this command (send the punishment via DM to the user, send the punishment to a punishment log channel, etc) in [my website](https://loritta.website/dashboard/)!","WEBSITE_AUTOROLE_GIVE_ROLE_UPON_JOIN":"Roles that will be given when someone joins","MENTION_ResponseRoleBlocked":"Hello {0}! My prefix in this server is `{1}` but your role {2} doesn\u0027\u0027t allow to use my commands! To see what can I do, use `help` in a private conversation with me!","MCAVATAR_DESCRIPTION":"Shows the avatar of a Minecraft account. If the account doesn\u0027\u0027t exist, it will show the default skin (Steve)","DASHBOARD_MentionOnCommandOutputSub":"When executing a command, I will mention the user in the command\u0027s response.","USERINFO_NO_ROLE":"No roles...","AMINO_DESCRIPTION":"Amino related commands! ([http://aminoapps.com/](http://aminoapps.com/))","QUICKPUNISHMENT_Disabled":"As punições rápidas foram desativadas! Ao punir um usuário, você deverá confirmar se você realmente vai querer punir ele ou não... pelo ou menos assim você irá evitar aquele remorso ao punir alguém que não deveria ter levado aquela punição.","DASHBOARD_ChannelLink":"Channel Link","CommandCategory_ANIME_Description":"Anime related commands","SHUFFLE_Description":"Shuffles DJ Loritta\u0027\u0027s queue.","LORIPERMISSION_MissingPermCanConfigure":"You can add the required permission to use this command in my dashboard! \u003c{0}dashboard/\u003e","RATEWAIFU_KawaiiBot":"Hello World!","PPT_MAYBE_DRAW":"Draw...?","POKEDEX_CAPTURE_RATE":"Capture Rate","DAILY_Description":"Receive your daily Sonhos to spend on other things like buying new designs for your profile, betting and much more!","WEBSITE_FAN_ARTS":"Fan Arts","AJUDA_SENT_IN_PRIVATE":"I sent you via private messages, check your direct messages!","USERINFO_ID_DO_DISCORD":"Discord ID","PERMISSION_MANAGE_CHANNEL":"Manage channel","EVENTLOG_Unbanned":"{0} was unbanned!","DISCRIM_UsersWithDiscriminator":"Users with discriminator {0}","BOTINFO_MemoryTotal":"Memória Total","DASHBOARD_EXPLAIN_ON_COMMAND_RUN_SUB":"If the command doesn\u0027\u0027t have required arguments, you can use 🤷 as the first argument to get the command\u0027\u0027s help.","[Translate!]EVENTLOG_BulkDeleted":"**Mensagens de texto deletadas**","LORITTA_CommandsInDirectMessage":"Howdy {0}! In direct messages you don\u0027\u0027t need to use a prefix to talk with me! To see what can I do, use `{1}`!","LORITTA_OwnerLorittaBanned":"O dono deste servidor ({0}) está **banido** de me usar! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ\n\n**Motivo:** {1}\n\nSe você acha que o ban foi injusto (duvido que foi injusto) ou se você se arrependeu, envie uma mensagem privada para `MrPowerGamerBR#4185` pedindo para ser desbanido!\n\nDesculpe pela inconveniência...","PERFIL_TOTAL_XP":"Total XP","WARN_DoesntHaveWarns":"The user has no warning for you to remove!","CALC_RESULT":"Result: `{0}`","LORITTA_UnknownCommand":"Command `{0}` doesn\u0027\u0027t exist! If you want to check which commands I have, use `{1}`","WARNLIST_UserDoesntHaveWarns":"{0} doesn\u0027t have any warns!","LORITTA_Yes":"Yes","DASHBOARD_ADMINISTRATOR":"Administrator","VOTE_Description":"Shows the link where you can vote for the server on Lori\u0027s Server List!","KEYWORD_TECNOLOGY":"Tecnology","[Translate!]LORITTA_BlacklistedServer":"Eu me recuso a ficar neste servidor! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ\n\n**Motivo:** {0}\n\nSe você acha que o ban foi injusto (duvido que foi injusto) ou se você se arrependeu, envie uma mensagem privada para `MrPowerGamerBR#4185` pedindo para ser desbanido!\n\nDesculpe pela inconveniência...","AMIZADE_IS_MY":"is my","MUSIC_MAX":"Track is too long! A track must have at least `{0}`!","PERDAO_DESCRIPTION":"Does a monster like this deserve forgiveness?","website.localePath":"br","SLOWMODE_Description":"Enables \"slow mode\" in chat, on which the user needs to wait X seconds before sending a new message.\n\nIf you want to disable it, use 0!","[Translate!]BOTINFO_MemoryAvailable":"Memória Disponível","PAY_TransactionComplete":"Transaction complete with success! {0} received **{1} Sonhos**!","SERVERINFO_DESCRIPTION":"Shows some information about the current server!","AJUDA_CommandName":"help","VEMDEZAP_MoodSick":"Sick","DJ_LORITTA_HOW_TO_ENABLE":"If you want to enable the music module, go to my website ({0}), choose your server, click on \"DJ Loritta\" and enable the module!","USERINFO_FavoriteEmojis":"Favorite Emojis","UNBAN_PunishName":"desbanir","AMINO_NO_IMAGE_FOUND":"I didn\u0027t find any \".Amino\" images in your message... 😞","MUSICINFO_NOMUSIC":"Nothing is playing right now... Why don\u0027\u0027t you play one? `+play music`","[Translate!]SERVERINFO_OFFLINE":"Offline","[Translate!]ATTACK_Description":"Ataque alguém!","SERVERINFO_ROLES":"Roles","ESCOLHER_RESULT":"I chose `{0}`!","SAY_YouDontHavePermissionToTalkIn":"Você não tem permissão para falar no {0}!","DASHBOARD_YourFeatures":"Suas Funcionalidades","PERMISSION_MANAGE_ROLES":"Manage roles","[Translate!]UNBAN_PunishName":"desbanir","DASHBOARD_PREFIX_INFO":"Prefix is the text that comes before a command. By default, my prefix is +, but you can change it in this option.","LORITTA_WhyDisableAdblock":"\u003cp\u003eYeah I know... You don\u0027\u0027t like ads... After all, who likes ads?\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eBut sadly I need the ads to survive, keeping me online and well for more than 50k guilds is not cheap nor easy and, if people continue to use ad blocks, maybe I will need to stop being online due to the lack of funds to sustain myself...\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you can disable your adblock, I will be very happy. I know it is annoying ask this kind of stuff to you, but it is the only way I can stay online... I don\u0027\u0027t want to stop giving happies and fun to everyone that love me...\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you want to continue to use AdBlock or want to support me in a more direct way, then please \u003ca href\u003d\"https://loritta.website/donate\"\u003edonate to me\u003c/a\u003e so I can stay online and well! Thank you!\u003c/p\u003e","LAVAREVERSO_DESCRIPTION":"The floor is...? Decide what you want!","ENCODE_Description":"Precisando encriptografar algo? Querendo transformar o seu texto em outra coisa? Então codifique ele! Codificações suportadas: {0}","LORITTA_DisabledAdblock":"Okay, I disabled my AdBlock!","VIEIRINHA_DESCRIPTION":"Ask Vieirinha something","CommandCategory_MAGIC_Description":"Commands that you shall never see in your life","DATEUTILS_Hours":"hours","PPT_Rock":"rock","DASHBOARD_CommunityDescription":"Community Description","LIMPAR_INVALID_RANGE":"I can only clear between 2 and 100 messages at once!","[Translate!]BOTINFO_Environment":"Ambiente","MORSE_FROM_TO":"Text to Morse","DASHBOARD_TestMessage":"Test Message","NO_PERMISSION":"You don\u0027\u0027t have permission to use this!","RATEWAIFU_IM_PERFECT":"I\u0027\u0027m pretty!","GOOGLE_Description":"Shows the first results from Google about a specific query","UPVOTE_CanVoteAgain":"You have already voted today! You can vote again at {0}!","EVENTLOG_Banned":"{0} was banned!","BAN_PunishAction":"Banned","DASHBOARD_WarnIfBlacklistedSub":"If you configured channels to be on the blacklist, you can enable this option so, when someone tries to execute a command in a blacklisted channel, I will warn you can\u0027\u0027t use commands on that channel.","ACTIVATEKEY_Success":"Key activated with success, have fun!","DASHBOARD_Servers":"Servers","PERMISSION_MANAGE_EMOTES":"Manage emotes","[Translate!]KISS_Description":"Beije alguém!","NSFW_IMAGE":"**Pornographic image (NSFW) detected**\n\n{0}... are you really serious that you would use *that* as your wallpaper? Do you really think someone would look at your wallpaper and say \"wow, \"{0}\" is wonderful because they waste their time watching other people making out because they can\u0027t go outside and meet new people\"?\n\nNo, nobody will say that, please, for me, change your life and stop doing that.\n\n(If this was a false positive then... I don\u0027\u0027t know, ignore me 😞)","PERMISSION_MESSAGE_READ":"Read messages","WEBSITE_DEFAULT_TITLE":"Yet another Discord bot","[Translate!]website.localePath":"br","YOUTUBE_RESULTS_FOR":"Results for `{0}`","UNWARN_Description":"Removes a warning from a user of your server","KEYWORD_YOUTUBER":"YouTuber","EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_TOPIC_UPDATED":"**{0}\u0027\u0027s topic was changed!**\n\nPrevious topic: `{1}`\nNew topic: `{2}`","HUG_Description":"Dê um abraço carinhoso em alguém!","KEYWORD_ART":"Art \u0026 Drawing","MCUUID_DESCRIPTION":"Gets a user\u0027\u0027s UUID","MENCIONAR_NOT_VALID_SNOWFLAKE":"`{0}` doesn\u0027\u0027t seem to be a valid ID... A message\u0027s ID is like this `297153970613387264`. (Tip: enable Discord\u0027\u0027s developer mode in Discord\u0027\u0027s configuration and right click a message!)","POKEDEX_NUMBER":"Pokédex Index","YOUTUBE_Subscribers":"Subscribers","BOTINFO_JavaVersion":"Versão do Java","MONEY_CONVERTED":"💵 **{0} {1} to {2}**: {3} {2}","MUSICINFO_DESCRIPTION":"Shows the current track.","[Translate!]TODOGRUPOTEM_File":"todogrupotem_default.png","MUTE_SetHour":"Please write in chat when you want to remove the muted status from the user (`1 hour`, `5 minutes`, `12:00 11/08/2018`, etc). If you want it to be permanent, click on 🔄!","PERMISSION_I_NEED_PERMISSION":"I really wanted to execute this command, but unfortunately I don\u0027\u0027t have permission to {0}... 😢 Please ask someone of this server administration to give that permission to me! Thank You! 🙂","PERMISSION_MESSAGE_EMBED_LINKS":"Embed links","INVITE_DESCRIPTION":"Sends the invite link to add me in other servers!","EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_DELETED":"**Deleted text message**\n\nMessage: ```\n{0}```","UNBAN_Description":"Retira o ban de um usuário do seu servidor, você pode customizar as ações deste comando (como enviar via mensagem direta o motivo da punição, enviar em um canal a punição, entre outras coisas) no [meu website](https://loritta.website/dashboard/)!","MD5_DESCRIPTION":"Encrypts a message using MD5","SPIGOTMC_DOWNLOADS":"Downloads","ACTIVATEKEY_InvalidKey":"Key doesn\u0027t exist or is expired!","DATEUTILS_Seconds":"seconds","CommandCategory_MINECRAFT_Description":"Minecraft related commands","WEBSITE_DONATE_ThanksToEveryone":"Thanks to everyone who helped me!","SUSTO_Description":"Ahhhhh 😱! Creates an image of me being scared of something!","LORIPERMISSION_MissingPermissions":"You don\u0027\u0027t have the permission of `{0}` to use this command... 😢","[Translate!]REMOVEEMOJI_Success":"{0} {1} foram deletados com sucesso!","[Translate!]SPIGOTMC_DOWNLOAD":"Download","MALMANGA_Description":"Searches information about a manga in MyAnimeList!","[Translate!]LORITTA_PageOf":"Página {0} de {1}","WEBSITE_JUST_A_SIMPLE_DISCORD_BOT":"Yet another Discord bot","POKEDEX_TRAINING":"Training","[Translate!]LORISIGN_Description":"Faça eu segurar uma placa mostrando algo interessante e fofo!","REP_InvalidUser":"Invalid User!","DATEUTILS_Minutes":"minutes","SAM_DESCRIPTION":"Adds a South America Memes watermark to an image","AMINO_CONVERT":"convert","UNBAN_UnbannedBy":"Desbanido por","DASHBOARD_CommunityLink":"Community Link","DATEUTILS_Days":"days","DASHBOARD_CONFIG_OVERVIEW":"Config overview","BEMBOLADA_Description":"\"Hai minasan genki deska!\" Directly from \"Loop Infinito\" channel to your Discord server!\n\nThe week\u0027s \"bem bolada\" is...","AVATAR_DESCRIPTION":"Gets the avatar of an user","RBUSER_PLACE_VISITS":"Place visits","KEYWORD_BOOKS_AND_WRITING":"Books \u0026 Writing","WEBSITE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_URL":"Channel URL","DASHBOARD_CommunityTitle":"Community Name","AFK_AfkOff":"AFK mode disabled!","DASHBOARD_JOIN_MESSAGE":"Message when someone joins","[Translate!]VEMDEZAP_Description":"Vem de Zap bb, aplique o poder do zapzap na sua mensagem para mostrar como você é 🔝 com as 9inhas do zapzap!","EVENTLOG_USER_ID":"User ID: {0}","[Translate!]LYRICS_CouldntFind":"Eu não consegui encontrar a letra dessa música...","HACKBAN_REASON":"Reason","DASHBOARD_DeleteMessageAfterCommand":"Deletes the user\u0027s message after executing an command.","[Translate!]DASHBOARD_Notifications":"Notificações","VOLUME_DESCRIPTION":"Changes the song volume","MCQUERY_OFFLINE":"Server `{0}:{1}` doesn\u0027\u0027t exist or is offline!","KYM_ORIGIN":"Origin","SERVERINFO_OFFLINE":"Offline","TOCARAGORA_Description":"Starts to play a music in DJ Loritta.","[Translate!]UNBAN_Description":"Retira o ban de um usuário do seu servidor, você pode customizar as ações deste comando (como enviar via mensagem direta o motivo da punição, enviar em um canal a punição, entre outras coisas) no [meu website](https://loritta.website/dashboard/)!","SLOWMODE_DisabledInChannel":"Slow mode was disabled on {0}!","ATTACK_Description":"Ataque alguém!","DASHBOARD_PREFIX":"Prefix","[Translate!]KEYWORD_ROLEPLAYING":"Roleplaying","UNMUTE_DESCRIPTION":"Remove o estado de silenciado de um usuário","WEBSITE_HELLO":"Howdy, my name is ","SERVERINFO_ONLINE":"Online","POKEDEX_DESCRIPTION":"Gets information about a Pokémon","DASHBOARD_CHOOSE_A_SERVER":"Choose a Server","[Translate!]KEYWORD_GAMING":"Gaming","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney":"But... I don\u0027\u0027t have money to donate! Can I still help?","PERMISSION_MANAGE_WEBHOOKS":"Manage webhooks","MUTE_ROLE_NAME":"Muted","MCCONQUISTA_Description":"Creates a Minecraft advancement!","DASHBOARD_MESSAGE_ON_INVITE_DETECT":"Message when an invite is detected","[Translate!]SERVERICON_DESCRIPTION":"Mostra o ícone do servidor","MARRY_CantMarryYourself":"Você não pode se casar com você mesmo, bobinho!","AVATAR_CLICKHERE":"Click [here]({0}) to download the image!","BAN_PunishmentReason":"Reason","FRASETOSCA_DontKnow":"I don\u0027t know an answer to that question! 😢 — If you want to teach me, click on the 💡!","PAY_Description":"Do you remember that snack that your friend bought for you? What about paying in Sonhos? 😉","SERVERICON_DESCRIPTION":"Mostra o ícone do servidor","GENDER_WhatAreYou":"Então... você é o que?","DASHBOARD_LEAVE_MESSAGE":"Message when someone leaves","TRISTEREALIDADE_FILE":"tristerealidade_us.png","KEYWORD_INTERNET_CULTURE":"Internet Culture","BITLY_DESCRIPTION":"Shortens a link using bit.ly","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_CREATED":"Notify when a text channel is created","USING_LOCALE":"Using {0} as locale!","USERINFO_STATUS":"Stats","[Translate!]MARRY_AlreadyMarriedOther":"{0} já está casado!","COLOR_Description":"View information about a color!","[Translate!]MARRY_InsufficientFundsOther":"Infelizmente casamentos são caros e necessitam de dinheiro para acontecer... {0} precisa de mais **{1} Sonhos** para poder casar!","PROMOTE_CanPromoteAgain":"The server was already promoted recently! You will be able to promove again {0}!","LORITTA_BlacklistedServer":"Eu me recuso a ficar neste servidor! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ\n\n**Motivo:** {0}\n\nSe você acha que o ban foi injusto (duvido que foi injusto) ou se você se arrependeu, envie uma mensagem privada para `MrPowerGamerBR#4185` pedindo para ser desbanido!\n\nDesculpe pela inconveniência...","WEBSITE_USING_LORITTA":"using me!","EDITARXP_SUCCESS":"{0}\u0027s XP was successfully changed!","MCMOLETOM_UploadToMojang":"If you have a valid Minecraft account, click on the link to upload your skin to your account!","PERMISSION_BAN_MEMBERS":"Ban members","EVENTLOG_LeftVoiceChannel":"{0} left `{1}` voice channel","ROLL_RESULT":"rolled **{0}**... and got `{1}`!","DASHBOARD_ManageCommands":"Need to enable/disable commands? Then you have come to the right place!","DASHBOARD_JavaScriptCommands":"Commands in JavaScript","MARRY_InsufficientFundsOther":"Infelizmente casamentos são caros e necessitam de dinheiro para acontecer... {0} precisa de mais **{1} Sonhos** para poder casar!","PERMISSION_MESSAGE_EXT_EMOJI":"Use external emojis","TOCAR_CANTTALK":"I don\u0027t have permission to talk in the voice channel... 😞 Please, ask a server administrator to give permission so I can play some beats!","[Translate!]WARN_NextPunishment":"No próximo aviso, o usuário será {0}!","SPINNER_OUCH":"You hurt your hand while trying to respin the spinner! Next time, wait longer before respinning!","CONGAPARROT_InvalidRange":"Try another number between 1 and 50...","SHUFFLE_QueueShuffled":"Queue shuffled successfully!","[Translate!]SERVERINFO_ONLINE":"Online","SOFTBAN_FAIL_LESS_THAN_ZERO_DAYS":"It\u0027\u0027s impossible to softban someone for less than 0 days! (And how that would\u0027\u0027ve worked?)","[Translate!]BOTINFO_CompiledAt":"Compilado às","RBUSER_COULDNT_FIND":"I didn\u0027\u0027t find a user called `{0}`...","TEMPO_PRESSAO_AR":"Air Pressure","[Translate!]DASHBOARD_YourFeatures":"Suas Funcionalidades","MUSIC_PLAYLIST_ADDED_IGNORED":"Added {0} songs to the queue! (ignored {1} tracks due to its length!)","CommandCategory_ACTION_Description":"Beijos, tapas, abraços e carinhos! Está com dificuldade de demonstrar o que você realmente está sentindo e precisa de uma GIF para ajudar? Sem problemas, eu tenho uma pasta reservada para todas as ações que você deseja executar no chat!","ATTACK_Response":"**{0} atacou {1}!**","PLAYLIST_DESCRIPTION":"Shows all the songs in DJ Loritta\u0027s queue!","LANGUAGE_USING_LOCALE":"Now I\u0027\u0027ll speak in `{0}`!","PEFIL_PROFILE":"Profile","KEYWORD_NEWS":"News","CommandCategory_ADMIN_Name":"Administration","KEYWORD_SOFTWARE":"Software","DASHBOARD_NoPermission":"Sem Permissão","LORITTA_BadNickname":"Oh... I\u0027m so sad with my nickname on this server... I have feelings and those names just make me sad.. If you ask to someone change this horrible nickname, i will be happy...\nThanks!","WARN_WarnRemoved":"Warning removed!","AMINO_YOUR_IMAGE":"Your image `{0}`!","CONTENTAWARESCALE_Description":"Applies content aware scale (seam carver) effect to an image","EVENTLOG_JoinedVoiceChannel":"{0} joined `{1}` voice channel","EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_DELETED":"**Deleted text channel `{0}`**","INVITEINFO_Active":"Active users","CHANNELINFO_Topic":"Topic","KEYWORD_PROGRAMMING":"Programming","EMOJISEARCH_AddSuccess":"Emoji successfully added!","ROLEID_DESCRIPTION":"Gets a role\u0027s ID","DASHBOARD_IgnoreCommands_Description":"If it is enabled, I will ignore any commands sent by this user.","DASHBOARD_CommunityError":"Error while getting informations about the community","[Translate!]LORIPERMISSION_DJ":"DJ","COLOR_Triadic":"Triadic","TIODOPAVE_Description":"Is to see or to eat?","[Translate!]CommandCategory_ACTION_Name":"Ações","SPIGOTMC_RELEASED":"Created in","DASHBOARD_MentionOnCommandOutput":"Mentions who executed the command.","[Translate!]PERFIL_ECONOMY":"Sonhos","ENCODE_EncodedText":"Texto Codificado","DASHBOARD_DELETE_MESSAGE_ON_INVITE":"Should the message be deleted when an invite is detected?","PERMISSION_MESSAGE_HISTORY":"View message history","MD5_RESULT":"`{0}` in MD5: `{1}`","USERINFO_UnknownUser":"I don\u0027\u0027t know anybody related to `{0}`... 😢","MUSICINFO_DISLIKES":"Dislikes","UNPAUSE_DESCRIPTION":"Unpauses the current song","UNBAN_PunishAction":"Desbanido","CHANNELINFO_Description":"Shows the info of a text channel","USERINFO_PrivacyInfo":"You can control what will show up here in https://loritta.website/dashboard","BOTINFO_DESCRIPTION":"Shows interesting (and some very useless) informations about me!","DISCORDIA_DESCRIPTION":"Shows your reaction when you receive a useless notification from Discord!","DASHBOARD_DeleteCommand":"Delete Command","[Translate!]CommandCategory_MINECRAFT_Name":"Minecraft","TRISTEREALIDADE_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a sad reality in your guild","DASHBOARD_LivestreamTemplate":"🎥 **\u0027{streamer}\u0027** is now live recording *\u0027{game}\u0027*! \u0027{link}\u0027","MUTE_PunishName":"muted","VEMDEZAP_MoodAngry":"Angry","ACTIVATEKEY_Description":"Activates Loritta\u0027s premium key","PPT_JESUS_CHRIST":"JESUS CHRIST","AMINO_COMMUNITY_HEAT":"Community Heat","DASHBOARD_MANAGER":"Server Manager","[Translate!]UNBAN_SuccessfullyUnbanned":"Usuário desbanido com sucesso!","DATEUTILS_Year":"year","TOS_Title":"Terms of Service \u0026 Privacy","EVENTLOG_BulkDeleted":"**Mensagens de texto deletadas**","SERVERINFO_REGION":"Region","QUALIDADE_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a message with Q U A L I T Y \u0026 S Y N C","DASHBOARD_Customization":"Customization","[Translate!]BOTINFO_LorittaVersion":"Versão da Loritta","WEBSITE_DONATE_Bitcoin":"\u003cb\u003eBitcoin \u0026 Dogecoin:\u003c/b\u003e If you have Bitcoins or Dogecoins. Perfect if you want to pay without exposing your \"real identity\" outside of the internet!","SERVERINFO_PEOPLE":"People","WARN_NextPunishment":"No próximo aviso, o usuário será {0}!","AMIZADE_BEST_FRIEND":"best friend","SERVERINFO_AWAY":"Away","SEEK_TOO_BIG":"I want to know how I will change to that position if the music is only `{0}`...","PERMISSION_CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE":"Create a instant invite","[Translate!]KEYWORD_NSFW":"NSFW","[Translate!]HUG_Description":"Dê um abraço carinhoso em alguém!","[Translate!]ECONOMY_Name":"Sonho","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_MyReferrals":"My referrals","CHANNELINFO_Undefined":"Undefined","SOFTBAN_PunishAction":"Soft Ban","SIMSIMI_NAME":"Simsimi, Loritta\u0027\u0027s 🐤","WARN_Common":"Aviso","DASHBOARD_VarietyAndQuality":"Variety and Quality","BACKGROUND_INVALID_IMAGE":"Invalid image! Are you sure this is a valid link? If possible, please download the image and upload it directly on Discord!","WARN_PunishName":"warn","MARRY_AlreadyMarriedOther":"{0} já está casado!","WEBSITE_MetaDescription":"Howdy, my name is Loritta! Yet another Discord bot with unique features that you never seen before! Made for entertainment, moderation, to help you daily and so much more!","QUADRO_DESCRIPTION":"Places someone in a frame with Wolverine looking at it","MARRY_Description":"O amor está no ar! Case com a sua crush ou com a sua webnamorada! Cada casamento custa **7500 Sonhos** para cada um, e, todo o dia, você precisa pagar **100 Sonhos** para manter o casamento!","EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_POSITION_UPDATED":"**{0}\u0027\u0027s position was changed!**\n\nPrevious position: `{1}`\nNew position: `{2}`","AMIZADE_NOW":"Now","VEMDEZAP_Level1":"Weak zap","RAFFLE_CurrentPrize":"Current prize: **{0} Sonhos**","[Translate!]QUICKPUNISHMENT_Disabled":"As punições rápidas foram desativadas! Ao punir um usuário, você deverá confirmar se você realmente vai querer punir ele ou não... pelo ou menos assim você irá evitar aquele remorso ao punir alguém que não deveria ter levado aquela punição.","VEMDEZAP_Level2":"Medium zap","VEMDEZAP_Level3":"This is zap baby","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_Intro1":"Yeah, I know... It is sad when you want to help somebody that helps you every day but you can\u0027\u0027t help them with a bit of money... I know how it feels...","VEMDEZAP_Level4":"Monster zap","VEMDEZAP_Level5":"Zap so topper","[Translate!]KEYWORD_EMOTES":"Emotes","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_Intro2":"Fortunately there is other ways to help me stay online!","[Translate!]CommandCategory_DISCORD_Name":"Discord","AKINATOR_NoQuestion":"Congratulations, you won.","MCMOLETOM_Description":"Liked my pretty sweater? Do you want to have my sweater on your Minecraft skin? Then use this command!","[Translate!]SERVERICON_Description":"Mostra o ícone do servidor atual!","BAN_UserDoesntExist":"User doesn\u0027\u0027t exist!","RATEWAIFU_RESULT":"`{1}`\u0027\u0027s score is **{0}/10**! **{2}**","CommandCategory_UNDERTALE_Description":"Undertale related commands","[Translate!]MARRY_InsufficientFunds":"Infelizmente casamentos são caros e necessitam de dinheiro para acontecer... Você precisa de mais **{0} Sonhos** para poder casar!","RBUSER_FOLLOWERS":"Followers","DASHBOARD_EnabledCommands":"Activated Commands","OFFLINEUUID_DESCRIPTION":"Gets the offline UUID (that is, servers without Mojang authentication) of a player","EMOJISEARCH_Title":"Emoji search","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_Referrals":"\u003cb\u003eUse my referral links:\u003c/b\u003e Did you already see some websites that ask you to \"invite your friends!\"? Referrals (or \"afilitate links\") are links of that type and, did you know some websites also give out rewards to the one that invited you? That is, if you are interested in using one of those services, please use my referral links so me (and sometimes even you!) can earn rewards due to me recommending to you the service!","RAFFLE_UsersParticipating":"Users participating: **{0} Users**","DBL_Description":"Shows information about how to help me on Discord Bot List!","WARNLIST_Description":"Shows warnings that a user has received","COLOR_Analogous":"Analogous","CommandCategory_MAGIC_Name":"Magic","PERMISSION_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS":"Manage permissions","[Translate!]LORITTA_OwnerLorittaBanned":"O dono deste servidor ({0}) está **banido** de me usar! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ\n\n**Motivo:** {1}\n\nSe você acha que o ban foi injusto (duvido que foi injusto) ou se você se arrependeu, envie uma mensagem privada para `MrPowerGamerBR#4185` pedindo para ser desbanido!\n\nDesculpe pela inconveniência...","JOOJ_DESCRIPTION":"Flips an image horizontally using the left side of the image!","DASHBOARD_ErrorWhileGettingChannel":"Error while getting information about the channel","REP_DESCRIPTON":"Gives reputation to another user!","YOUTUBE_LastUploadedVideo":"Last uploaded video","MANIATITLECARD_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a Sonic Mania title card!","DASHBOARD_VoiceChannels":"Voice Channels","QUICKPUNISHMENT_Description":"Altera se você prefere que as punições sejam aplicadas diretamente ou se elas devem ter uma confirmação antes de punir!","EVENTLOG_NAME_CHANGED":"**{0} changed username!**\n\nPrevious username: `{1}`\nNew username: `{2}`","CommandCategory_IMAGES_Description":"Generate 😂👌🔥🔝 images in the comfort of your Discord server! Just don\u0027\u0027t try to generate a bunch of images, sadly I don\u0027\u0027t have enough slaves to keep creating the images in Photoshop quickly.","BOTINFO_MemoryAvailable":"Memória Disponível","RBUSER_FRIENDS":"Friends","[Translate!]UNMUTE_Description":"Remove o silenciamento de um usuário do seu servidor","[Translate!]MARRY_CantMarryYourself":"Você não pode se casar com você mesmo, bobinho!","RAFFLE_Description":"Bet your lucks on my lottery!","BOTINFO_JDAVersion":"Versão do JDA","MCBODY_BODY_DE":"{0}\u0027\u0027s body","RESTARTSONG_SongRestarted":"The current playing song has been restarted!","[Translate!]UNBAN_UnbannedBy":"Desbanido por","RECEITAS_COULDNT_FIND":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find anything related to `{0}` in Ana\u0027\u0027s recipe book!","WEBSITE_AUTOROLE_ROLE_ATTENTION":"If you aren\u0027\u0027t finding a role here, then maybe I don\u0027\u0027t have permission to give it! Try moving my role to the top of the role list and try again!","CARACOROA_TAILS":"Tails","ERROR_WHILE_EXECUTING_COMMAND":"Something went terribly wrong while executing this command... 😭 Sorry for the inconvenience. 😢","BACKGROUND_INFO":"**Do you want to change your profile\u0027\u0027s wallpaper? Then you came to the right place!**\n\nClick in 🖼 to view your current wallpaper\nClick in 🛒 to view the default templates\n\nWant to send your own wallpaper? No problem! Send a 400x300 image in chat and, with the image, write `{0}background`! (You can also send the image link with the command that I will also accept it!)\n\n(Don\u0027\u0027t send NSFW wallpapers! If you send and get caught, your account will be suspended and you won\u0027\u0027t be able to use me!)","BAN_PunishName":"ban","BAN_SilentTip":"If you want to silent punish (without sending the reason via DM or showing up in the punishment log), click on the 🙊","CommandCategory_DISCORD_Name":"Discord","RBUSER_ID_DO_ROBLOX":"Roblox ID","DASHBOARD_DeleteAreYouSure":"Are you sure you want to do this?","[Translate!]KEYWORD_HOBBIES":"Hobbies","ROMEROBRITTO_DESCRIPTION":"Makes Romero Britto draw your beautiful art!","RATEWAIFU_NotSoBot":"He was a nice guy, until he told every bot with XP system is bad... really... I\u0027m sad so far thanks to that. \u003c:lori_triste:370344565967814659\u003e But excluding that, I think he was very cool, I love his image editions!","POKEDEX_GROWTH_RATE":"Growth Rate","SERVERINFO_CHANNELS":"Channels","[Translate!]MARRY_Loritta":"Eu nem te amo para querer casar com você, e além do mais, eu nem tenho idade para casar.","KEYWORD_CRYPTOCURRENCY":"Cryptocurrency","EMOJI_ERROR_WHILE_DOWNLOADING":"Are you sure this is a valid emoji? 🤷","AJUDA_ERROR_WHEN_OPENING_DM":"I really wanted to send my help info to you, but I wanna know how can I send those messages to you if you disabled private messages between users that you know. http://i.imgur.com/Z1HwW2j.png 🤷","BOTINFO_TITLE":"Howdy, my name is Loritta!","DASHBOARD_HidePreviousUsernames":"Hide old usernames","USERINFO_ROLES":"Roles","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_MEMBER_UNBAN":"Notify when someone is unbanned","WEBSITE_DONATE_Donators":"Donators","TODOGRUPOTEM_File":"todogrupotem_default.png","DATEUTILS_Years":"years","EVENTLOG_NicknameChanged":"**{0}\u0027\u0027s nickname was changed**\n\n**Previous nickname:** `{0}`\n**New nickname:** `{1}`","DASHBOARD_NoServerFound":"No server found!","KISS_Response":"**{0} beijou {1}!**","DEUSES_DESCRIPTION":"Holy shit, look at the Gods, bro!","WEBSITE_YOUTUBE_ON_RECEIVED":"Message to be sent when a new video is received","CommandCategory_ACTION_Name":"Ações","CommandCategory_ECONOMY_Description":"Commands related to my economy!","[Translate!]KISS_NahPleaseDont":"Nah, quero te beijar não... mas eu ainda gosto de você como um amigx!","SONHOS_Description":"Check how many Sonhos you have!","UNMUTE_Description":"Remove o silenciamento de um usuário do seu servidor","KEYWORD_ROLEPLAYING":"Roleplaying","KEYWORD_LIFE_STYLE":"Life Style","KISS_NahPleaseDont":"Nah, quero te beijar não... mas eu ainda gosto de você como um amigx!","SPINNER_SPINNING":"Spinning the fidget spinner...","DASHBOARD_WarnOnMissingPermissionSub":"If it isn\u0027\u0027t possible to reply to a message due to missing permissions, I will warn via direct messages to the server staff. Useful to debug issues.","WEBSITE_DONATE_PayPal":"\u003cb\u003ePayPal:\u003c/b\u003e If you have a credit card or money in your PayPal\u0027\u0027s balance. PayPal works with one-time payments, but you can also configure it to be recurrent (that is, every month).","TEMPO_DESCRIPTION":"Verifies the temperature of a city!","USERINFO_TAG_DO_DISCORD":"Discord tag","LANGUAGE_INFO":"Click the desired language!\n{0}","BOTINFO_Environment":"Ambiente","DASHBOARD_AllowSendingInvites":"Allow sending invitations","SPIGOTMC_COULDNT_FIND":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find anything related to `{0}`!","VOLUME_TOOLOW":"Nope, using negative numbers won\u0027\u0027t mute it so much that would cause it to be permanently banned from earth.","AJUDA_DonationTitle":"Do you want to help me?","TEMPO_UMIDADE":"Humidity","INVITEINFO_WhoInvited":"Who invited","MUTE_DESCRIPTION":"Mutes an user for a time period","SERVERINFO_BUSY":"Do Not Disturb","DASHBOARD_EXPLAIN_ON_COMMAND_RUN":"Explains commands when executing them without any arguments.","[Translate!]KEYWORD_STREAMER":"Streamer","[Translate!]WARN_Title":"Lista de Avisos","LORISIGN_Description":"Faça eu segurar uma placa mostrando algo interessante e fofo!","RAFFLE_BuyAnTicketFor":"Buy a ticket for **250 Sonhos** using `{0}raffle buy`!","DASHBOARD_OWNER":"Owner","DASHBOARD_ChannelToAnnounceLive":"Channel to announce when someone starts a livestream","CommandCategory_MUSIC_Description":"DJ Loritta related commands","KICK_PunishName":"kick","CEPO_DESCRIPTION":"Destroys someone, Gugu Gaiteiro style!","CommandCategory_ADMIN_Description":"Administratrion related commands","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_GitHub":"\u003cb\u003eDo you know how to code?\u003c/b\u003e If you know, did you know you can help me by coding? Access \u003ca href\u003d\"https://github.com/LorittaBot/\"\u003emy GitHub organization\u003c/a\u003e and see if you can help with something!","RAZOES_DESCRIPTION":"What\u0027\u0027s your reason to live?","SHIP_DESCRIPTION":"Checks if a couple would work (or not!)","POKEDEX_EVOLUTIONS":"Evolutions","SAY_MessageSuccessfullySent":"Mensagem enviada no {0} com sucesso!","USERINFO_ALSO_KNOWN_AS":"Also known as...","USERINFO_PrivacyOn":"The user prefers not to expose this information.","LIMPAR_SUCCESS":"Chat cleared by {0}!","DASHBOARD_VarietyAndQualityIntro":"\u003cp\u003eCreativity is the word that describes me: with my unique features, it is impossible not to have entertainment! I value the quality and the variety of the features, being a all-in-one bot in which nothing will be missing.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eI have more than 100 different commands, of several different categories, like administration, utility, entertainment, image collage — or \"Photoshop\", games, YouTube integration, Feeds RSS/Atom and Amino integration, event reaction (like when someone joins/leaves, autorole and event log), e a bunch more, always valuing the feature quality.\u003c/p\u003e","ERROR_WhatShouldIDo":"Unfortunely, nobody is perfect... and it looks like you found a bug on my website... Try reloading the page and check if the problem persists. If it does, join my \u003ca href\u003d\u0027https://loritta.website/support\u0027\u003esupport server\u003c/a\u003e and send the code below with a small explanation about what you were doing at the time the error happened!","DASHBOARD_DeleteMessageAfterCommandSub":"After executing an command, I will delete the user\u0027s message.","HOW_TO_USE":"How to use","DEUS_DESCRIPTION":"Places someone in a Google search about \"God\"","KEYWORD_FOOD":"Food","DASHBOARD_ENABLE_BAN":"Show different message when the user is banned","DASHBOARD_SAVE":"Save","BOTINFO_MemoryAllocated":"Memória Alocada","SIMSIMI_DESCRIPTION":"Talk to Simsimi!","MCUUID_RESULT":"`{0}`\u0027\u0027s UUID: `{1}`","CommandCategory_ANIME_Name":"Anime","WEBSITE_PARTNERS":"Partners","CHANNELINFO_ChannelId":"Channel ID","MCSKIN_Description":"Shows the skin of a Minecraft account","UTBATTLE_INVALID":"Monster `{0}` is not valid! **Valid monsters:** `{1}`","RAFFLE_Congratulations":"Congrats!","USERINFO_LAST_SEEN":"Last seen","FRASETOSCA_WhenSomeoneAsks":"When someone asks `{0}`, What does Gabriela have to answer?","CommandCategory_MUSIC_Name":"Music","MENTION_ResponseEveryoneBlocked":"Howdy {0}! my preifx in this server is `{1}` but they blocked that `@everyone` can\u0027t execute my commands, so no one can use my commands here... 😢 To see what I can do, use `ajuda` in a DM with me!","DASHBOARD_WhoAmIIntro":"\u003cp\u003eHowdy, my name is Loritta (or, as how my close friends call me, \"Lori\") and I\u0027\u0027m yet another Discord bot with unique features that you never seen before!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eI have a lot of entertainment features (like funny commands and memes), social features (profiles with XP and reputation), extremely customizable (you can enable/disable any command, change my prefix and much more!) with a simple focus: Be the best general purpose bot for Discord!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOne of the reasons that made me be what I\u0027\u0027m today was the lack of brazilian Discord bots, because a lot of servers were using bots \"of low quality\" in portuguese or bots that talk (actually write) in english... and let\u0027\u0027s be honest, none of those options seems nice for the users... and that\u0027\u0027s why I promise to change that! (even though I also speak in English... 🤷)\u003c/p\u003e","RATEWAIFU_Yggdrasil":"If I told you how many times they place me in Yggdrasil Death Battles, you would fall asleep of boredom with me telling you.","POKEDEX_ABILITIES":"Abilities","DASHBOARD_FanArtBy":"by","CHANNELINFO_ChannelInformation":"Channel {0} info","[Translate!]SOFTBAN_PunishAction":"Soft Ban","[Translate!]UNMUTE_DESCRIPTION":"Remove o estado de silenciado de um usuário","[Translate!]ADDEMOJI_Description":"Adiciona emojis no seu servidor a partir do link da imagem dele. Perfeito se você está cansado de ficar baixando imagens para o seu computador só para adicionar no servidor!","RATEWAIFU_DESCRIPTION":"Rates your Waifu!","DASHBOARD_WHITELISTED_CHANNELS_INVITE":"Whitelisted channels","DASHBOARD_LEAVE_CHANNEL":"Leave announcement channel","MORSE_DESCRIPTION":"Encodes/Decodes a message in morse code","SPINNER_DESCRIPTION":"Spins a fidget spinner! For how long will it keep spinning?","LORITTA_LearnMore":"Learn More","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_MEMBER_BAN":"Notify when someone is banned","SERVERINFO_CUSTOM_EMOJIS":"Custom emojis","KEYWORD_CHIT_CHAT":"Chit-chat","[Translate!]MALMANGA_Volumes":"Volumes","REP_SUCCESS":"gave {0} a reputation point!","WEBSITE_Support":"Support","[Translate!]SAY_MessageSuccessfullySent":"Mensagem enviada no {0} com sucesso!","FAUSTAO_DESCRIPTION":"Invokes the darling Faustão in your server!","MUTE_NegativeTime":"The time you told me is now on the past! Maybe you are a time traveller (if you are, please tell me if I\u0027\u0027m famous in the future!) or the time that took me to receive your message was greater than the time you wanted to silence the user... Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience. 😢","TOCAR_NOTINCHANNEL":"You need to be in the music channel to queue songs!","PERFIL_ECONOMY":"Sonhos","SERVERINFO_BOTS":"Bots","UNPAUSE_UNPAUSED":"The music is already playing! If you want to stop playing, use {0}parar","RESTARTSONG_Description":"Restarts the currently playing song.","RBUSER_JOIN_DATE":"Joined in","SOBREMIM_CHANGED":"Your profile message was changed to `{0}`!","CommandCategory_UTILS_Description":"Utility commands to improve your quality of life!","LORITTA_SupportServerInvite":"https://discord.gg/ZWt5mKB","KEYWORD_HOBBIES":"Hobbies","TEMPO_VELOCIDADE_VENTO":"Wind Speed","EVENTLOG_UnbannedBy":"**Unbanned by:** {0}","ROLEID_NoRole":"No roles...","VOTE_NotInServerList":"This server isn\u0027t in the **Lori\u0027s Server List**, sorry for the inconvenience... 😢","LORITTA_PleaseUpvote":"If you like my features and you want to help me, then, please, give me an upvote on Discord Bot List (you can vote every day!), thanks for helping! {0}","MUSICINFO_COMMENTS":"Comments","TODAY_ON_THIS_DAY":"Today in history","RATEWAIFU_Pantufa":"She\u0027s the perfect friend, 10/10, Pantufinha is my childhood friend! She\u0027s even a helper of PocketDreams, my Minecraft server.","STUDIOPOLISTV_DESCRIPTION":"Is Eggman showing something interesting in his marvelous TV?","MCSKIN_UnknownPlayer":"`{0}` is not a valid Minecraft account!","ENCODE_OriginalText":"Texto Original","SOFTBAN_PunishName":"soft ban","MCQUERY_WORLD":"World name","KYM_DATE":"Date","MUTE_CouldntEditChannels":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t create permission overrides on those channels {0}, maybe because I didn\u0027\u0027t have the manage channel permission on those channels, to fix it, fix the permissions on those channels and try muting someone again!","DIVORCE_Description":"E cadê o amor? Divorcie da pessoa que você está casada atualmente!","DASHBOARD_Code":"Source Code","MENTION_ResponseBlockedNoChannels":"Hello {0}! My prefix in this server is `{1}` but my commands are blocked in this text channel! To see what can I do, use `help` in a private conversation with me!","WARN_PunishAction":"Warned","[Translate!]SLAP_Response":"**{0} deu um tapa em {1}!**","CARACOROA_HEADS":"Heads","GENDER_SuccessfullyChanged":"Gênero alterado com sucesso!","PERFEITO_DESCRIPTION":"Is \"Nothing is perfect\" anyway?","MALANIME_To":"to","RECEITAS_DESCRIPTION":"Searches for delicious recipes from Ana Maria Braga™!","DATEUTILS_Hour":"hour","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_USERNAME_CHANGE":"Notify when someone changes their username","EXCHANGE_Description":"Transfere sonhos para a economia local do servidor","VEMDEZAP_WhatIsTheMood":"What\u0027s the mood of zap?","MARRY_Loritta":"Eu nem te amo para querer casar com você, e além do mais, eu nem tenho idade para casar.","TOCAR_InvalidChannel":"The music channel in this server got deleted... 😢 Ask someone from the staff to fix it!","CommandCategory_POKEMON_Name":"Pokémon","AJUDA_DESCRIPTION":"Shows all the commands I can do, but this will only show the available commands on the current server!","DAILY_DailyLink":"Get your daily Sonhos here! {0} (Remember that you can get Sonhos everyday!)","INVITEINFO_Description":"Shows the information about a Discord invite","[Translate!]KEYWORD_MEMES":"Memes","SPINNER_ViewRank":"Want to see the spinner\u0027\u0027s highscores? Then use `{0}spinner rank`!","[Translate!]UNBAN_PunishAction":"Desbanido","LAVA_DESCRIPTION":"The floor is...? Decide what you want!","EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_CREATED":"**Created text channel {0}**","[Translate!]RBUSER_SOCIAL":"Social","NO_VALID_IMAGE":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find any valid image for me to use! (I try to get images in links, image uploads, avatar from mentioned users, emojis... but I didn\u0027\u0027t find anything in your message!)","EMOJISEARCH_SmallQuery":"The query must have, at least, more than two characters!","MENCIONAR_DESCRIPTION":"Mentions a message. Tip: to copy a message\u0027s ID, enable Discord\u0027\u0027s developer mode in Discord\u0027\u0027s configuration and right click a message!","MCSTATUS_DESCRIPTION":"Checks if Mojang\u0027\u0027s server are online","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_DELETED":"Notify when a text channel is deleted","POKEDEX_BASE_HAPPINESS":"Base happiness","DATEUTILS_Months":"months","BAN_Description":"Bans a user from your server, you can customize the actions of this command (send the punishment via DM to the user, send the punishment to a punishment log channel, etc) in [my website](https://loritta.website/dashboard/)!","[Translate!]CommandCategory_UNDERTALE_Name":"Undertale","PERMISSION_MESSAGE_WRITE":"Send messages","DANCE_Description":"Dançe com alguém!","PERMISSION_MESSAGE_ADD_REACTION":"Add reactions","MCUUID_INVALID":"Player not found! Are you sure `{0}` is a valid account?","DRAKE_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a Drake meme using two users from your guild!","PULAR_MUSICSKIPPED":"Track skipped!","SERVERINFO_VerificationLevel":"Verification level","ISUP_UNKNOWN_HOST":"`{0} doesn\u0027\u0027t exist!`","CommandCategory_ROBLOX_Description":"ROBLOX related commands","CANT_USE_IN_PRIVATE":"You can\u0027\u0027t use this command in a private message!","TOCAR_MUTED":"Someone muted me in the voice channel... 😞 Please, ask a server administrator to unmute me!","MORSE_FAIL":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t transform your message into morse code... Maybe you used characters that don\u0027\u0027t exist in morse code!","[Translate!]QUICKPUNISHMENT_Description":"Altera se você prefere que as punições sejam aplicadas diretamente ou se elas devem ter uma confirmação antes de punir!","YOUTUBE_DESCRIPTION":"Searches a video in YouTube","GETOVERHERE_DESCRIPTION":"Pretends you are Scorpion and do a \"GET OVER HERE!\" on someone!","DATEUTILS_Minute":"minute","PPT_Scissors":"scissors","UNBAN_SuccessfullyUnbanned":"Usuário desbanido com sucesso!","FANARTS_Description":"Checks out the \u003ca:lori_blobheartseyes:393914347706908683\u003e awesome\u003ca:lori_blobheartseyes:393914347706908683\u003e fan arts people made!","ECONOMY_NamePlural":"Sonhos","OFFLINEUUID_RESULT":"**`{0}`\u0027\u0027s offline UUID (without Mojang\u0027\u0027s authentication):** `{1}`","CHANNELINFO_NsfwEnabled":"NSFW Enabled","BAN_YouAreBanned":"You were {0} from {1}","AKINATOR_DESCRIPTION":"See if Akinator will figure out what person you are thinking!","PROCESSING":"Processing","PING_DESCRIPTION":"A test command to see if I\u0027\u0027m working, I recommend leaving this enabled for testing purposes!","[Translate!]KEYWORD_SOFTWARE":"Software","SERVERICON_Description":"Mostra o ícone do servidor atual!","USER_IS_LORITTABANNED":"You are **banned**\n\n**Reason:** {0}\n\nIf you think the ban was unfair (I doubt it was unfair tho) or if you regret doing that, send a private message to `MrPowerGamerBR#4185` asking to be unbanned!\n\nSorry for the inconvenience...","MENTION_ResponseBlocked":"Hello {0}! My prefix in this server is `{1}` but my commands are blocked in this text channel! To see what can I do, use `{1}help` in {2}!","[Translate!]HUG_Response":"**{0} deu um abraço carinhoso em {1}!**","DASHBOARD_DisabledCommands":"Commands disabled","AJUDA_SelectCategory":"Select an category...","DASHBOARD_Command":"Command","AVATAR_LORITTACUTE":"I know I\u0027\u0027m cute!","SAY_CommandsCannotBeUsedIn":"Comandos não podem ser utilizados no {0}!","BOTINFO_KotlinVersion":"Versão do Kotlin","WEBSITE_ADD_IT":"Add","KEYWORD_GAMING":"Gaming","[Translate!]ENCODE_Description":"Precisando encriptografar algo? Querendo transformar o seu texto em outra coisa? Então codifique ele! Codificações suportadas: {0}","RBGAME_CouldntFind":"I didn\u0027\u0027t find an game called `{0}`...","HACKBAN_DESCRIPTION":"Bans a user\u0027s ID before they even join your server!","LARANJO_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a Laranjo meme! ","MCQUERY_DESCRIPTION":"Queries a Minecraft server","[Translate!]KEYWORD_FURRY":"Furry","PPT_LOSE":"What a shame... you lost, but intention is what counts!","ANAGRAMA_RESULT":"Your anagram is... `{0}`","KEYWORD_NATURE_AND_SCIENCE":"Nature \u0026 Science","PATREON_DO_YOU_WANNA_HELP":"Do you want to help?","WEBSITE_COMMANDS":"Commands","DASHBOARD_ENABLE_JOIN":"Enable announcements when someone joins","BOTINFO_CompiledAt":"Compilado às","[Translate!]POKEDEX_BASE_EXP":"Base EXP","RBGAME_Favorites":"Favorites","[Translate!]POKEDEX_EFFORT_POINTS":"Effort Points","PATREON_HOW_TO_HELP":"Thanks for wanting to help me to stay online! \u003c:blobCouple:357976795783626752\u003e This means a lot for me (after all, no money \u003d no hosting to keep me online 😭)\n\nYou can help me on [Patreon]({0}) or, if you want something that isn\u0027t recurrent, you can donate via MercadoPago/PayPal [here]({1})! ","LANGUAGE_DESCRIPTION":"Lets you change the language I speak in your guild!","COLOR_Tints":"Tints","DASHBOARD_MessageToBroadcastLive":"Message to be sent when the streamer is live","TEMPO_ATUAL":"Current","YOUTUBE_Videos":"Videos","DASHBOARD_StarboardChannel":"Channel to announce received messages","CommandCategory_IMAGES_Name":"Photoshop","MALANIME_Synonyms":"Also known as","MUSICINFO_INQUEUE":"In queue...","SLAP_Response":"**{0} deu um tapa em {1}!**","SONHOS_UserHas":"{0} has **{1,number,#.##} Sonhos**!","MALMANGA_Volumes":"Volumes","DASHBOARD_PRIVATE_MESSAGE":"Message when someone joins (via direct message)","CommandCategory_MINECRAFT_Name":"Minecraft","VEMDEZAP_MoodSassy":"Sassy","CommandCategory_ECONOMY_Name":"Economy","VEMDEZAP_MoodSad":"Sad","SWING_Description":"Hit someone with a sledgehammer!\n\nOriginal animation provided by CptNameless","WEBSITE_DONATE_Rewards":"\u003cp\u003eSe você pagar via Patreon, você irá receber o cargo \u003cspan style\u003d\"color: rgb(155, 89, 182); background-color: rgba(155, 89, 182, 0.298039); font-family: Whitney, \u0027Helvetica Neue\u0027, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 600;\"\u003e@💵🌆 Pagadores do Aluguel (Patreons)\u003c/span\u003e no meu servidor, e ainda terá o seu nome no \u003ccode class\u003d\"inline\"\u003e+patreon\u003c/code\u003e!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSe você pagar via PayPal/MercadoPago/Bitcoin, você irá receber o cargo \u003cspan style\u003d\"color: rgb(113, 54, 138); background-color: rgba(113, 54, 138, 0.298039); font-family: Whitney, \u0027Helvetica Neue\u0027, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 600;\"\u003e@😎🆒 Super Fã Clube da Loritta (Doadores)\u003c/span\u003e no meu servidor!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eCaso você pague via PayPal/MercadoPago/Bitcoin, envie uma mensagem para \u003ccode class\u003d\"inline\"\u003eMrPowerGamerBR#4185\u003c/code\u003e comprovando que você pagou! 😉\u003c/p\u003e","KEYWORD_BOTS":"Bot Support","RAFFLE_WantMoreChances":"Want more chances of winning? What about buying another ticket? 😉 `{0}raffle buy [quantidade]`","[Translate!]ENCODE_EncodedText":"Texto Codificado","QUICKPUNISHMENT_Enabled":"As punições rápidas foram ativadas! Ao punir um usuário, eu nem irei te perguntar se você realmente quer punir o usuário, vai punir direto sem dó e nem piedade! ...só não venha reclamar depois que você não queria ter punido aquele usuário, okay?","[Translate!]BOTINFO_BuildNumber":"Número da Build","BACKGROUND_DESCRIPTION":"Why not spice up your profile with a new fancy wallpaper?","DISCRIM_EmbedDescription":"**I know `{0}` users with the discriminator `{1}`!**\n\nIn Discord, a \"discriminator\" is the number that suffixes your username, in your case, your discriminator is **`{2}`**. Every user has a random discriminator between `0001` and `9999`, to change your discriminator, you need to change your username to another username that has the same discriminator as yours.","DASHBOARD_WarnOnUnknownCommandSub":"If a user executes an unknown command, I will tell them that I don\u0027\u0027t have the desired command and, if the user wants to know all of my fancy commands, then they should use my help command.","WEBSITE_DONATE_HelpingExplain":"\u003cp\u003eThanks for wanting to help me! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/434505630171136001.gif?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e Every help is welcome and every donation, doesn\u0027\u0027t matter how small it may be, helps me to stay online! Help me to continue sharing happiness and fun in other servers! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/417813932380520448.png?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eDue to your generosity to help me, we also offer some advantages and special rewards to everyone that helps me with donations! The more you donate, more rewards you can get! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/451143444367409193.gif?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eEvery received advantage and reward expires after thrity days, to encourage you to donate every month.\u003c/p\u003e","DANCE_Response":"**{0} dançou com {1}!**","INVERTER_DESCRIPTION":"Inverts the colors of an image","KISS_Description":"Beije alguém!","PERMISSION_MANAGE_SERVER":"Manage server","BOTINFO_HONORABLE_MENTIONS":"Honorable Mentions","DASHBOARD_Moderation":"Moderation","PERMISSION_KICK_MEMBERS":"Kick members","BOTINFO_EMBED_INFO":"Howdy, my name is Loritta (or, as how my close friends call me, \"Lori\") and I\u0027\u0027m yet another Discord bot with unique features that you never seen before!\n\nCurrently I\u0027\u0027m sharing fun in **{0} guilds** having **{2} innovative commands**, I\u0027\u0027ve already seen **{3} channels** and **{4} emojis** and I executed **{5} commands** since the last time I woke up **{1}** ago 😴! I was created in **\u003c:kotlin:453714186925637642\u003e [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/)** using **\u003c:jda:411518264267767818\u003e [JDA](https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA)** and, if you want to see my source code (to see how I was made), [click here](https://bit.ly/lorittagit)!\n\nIf you want to look at my wonderful website, [click here](https://loritta.website/) and, if you want to add me to your server, [click here](https://loritta.website/dashboard)!","RAFFLE_YouBoughtAnTicket":"You bought {0} ticket{1} for **{2} Sonhos**! Now, sit and relax until the loterry result is out!","LORITTA_ADDED_ON_SERVER":"Howdy {0}, how are you? I hope your day is being excellent! ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)\n\nI don\u0027\u0027t know if it was you or somebody else that added me in {1}, but, because you have Administrator (or manage server) permission I thought it was a good idea to talk about me. \u003c:loritta:331179879582269451\u003e\n\nMy name is Loritta and I\u0027\u0027m just a simple bot for Discord! My objective is to make your server more 👌🔥🔝 with more entertainment, better administration and with stuff that you have *never* seen in other bots!\n\nWell... Enough blabbing about nothing! Let me talk about some stuff that maybe you will like. 😉\n\n• By default, my prefix is `+`, try using `+ping` in your server to be sure that I\u0027\u0027m working!\n• If you want to change/enable/disable my features, then go to my panel! {2}\n• If you need help, if you want to report bugs, if you want to suggest something or if you just want to talk about me, why not visit my apartament? 😊 {3}\n• I have a bunch of commands (If you wanna know, I have **{4} different commands**!), if you want to know every single one of them, use *help* in this chat!\n• You can send new YouTube videos of an YouTube channel directly on your server! (Also... did you know that I do notify new videos faster than YouTube itself? 😉) Just go to my panel and configure that!\n\n...seriously, my panel has everything and a bit more, go check it out! {2}\n\n**Tip from \u003c:loritta:331179879582269451\u003e, the brunette of the neighborhood:** If you have a bit of money laying around, then please donate! \u003c{5}\u003e Did you know it costs 260R$ per month to keep me online? So... do you know that hamburger that is a bit moldy that you always buy... instead of buying that moldy stuff, you could donate to me so I could stay online for more days! 😊","RANK_INFO":"Total XP: {0} | Current Level: {1}","WEBSITE_SERVERFANCLUB":"Servers in Loritta\u0027s Fan Club","WEBSITE_DONATE_HowToHelp":"How to help?","TRETANEWS_DESCRIPTION":"YOOOOOOOOOU ARE WATCHING TRETA NEWS SO LET\u0027\u0027S GO DIRECTLY TO THE NEWS","VOLUME_LOWER":"I will turn down the song volume! Sorry if I bothered you with the volume...","KEYWORD_SPORTS":"Sports","RECEITAS_INFO":"An article from category \"{0}\" for your family! Delicious! 🐦","VOLUME_EXCEPTION":"Okay, let\u0027\u0027s change the volume to 💩 then... I wonder how I will change the volume to that...","BOTINFO_ThreadCount":"Número de Threads","KEYWORD_HARDWARE":"Hardware","UNPAUSE_CONTINUANDO":"I started playing the song again! When you want me to stop playing, use {0}parar","CommandCategory_DISCORD_Description":"Discord related commands","INVITEINFO_ChannelInvite":"Invite channel","INVITEINFO_None":"None...","AMINO_MEMBERS":"Members","RAFFLE_ResultsIn":"The result will be released in **{0}**!","DASHBOARD_FanClubIntro":"\u003cp\u003eYou know what people who quite like something do? They start talking more and more, united by a common denominator.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAnd that\u0027\u0027s why I have a Fan Club... which, for some reason, people decided to create that fan club in my apartment... Who had the idea to create this inside my apartament? Sometimes I like to be alone, you know?\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eJust kidding, everyone is welcome to my Discord server! If you want to talk about me, report bugs that must be fixed, make some amazing suggestions or maybe just to talk about your day then you came to the right place!\u003c/p\u003e","LYRICS_CouldntFind":"Eu não consegui encontrar a letra dessa música...","DISCRIM_SelfDiscriminator":"If you change your name to `{0}`, your discriminator will be changed to another random number! \u003ca:lori_blobwink:393904373144485892\u003e","GUMBALL_Subtitle1":"You know what I do when I\u0027\u0027m feeling a bit low?","CommandCategory_FUN_Name":"Fun","GUMBALL_Subtitle2":"I look at this","EVENTLOG_NicknameChangedBy":"**Changed by:** {0}","[Translate!]MARRY_Description":"O amor está no ar! Case com a sua crush ou com a sua webnamorada! Cada casamento custa **7500 Sonhos** para cada um, e, todo o dia, você precisa pagar **100 Sonhos** para manter o casamento!","RATEWAIFU_Pollux":"A 10/10 friend (and a bot), my personal thoughts on her? She is very fun and creative. (Have you already seen what she can do? She easily impresses me! \u003c:wow:375320822241427476\u003e I even get sad on looking how some of her commands are beautiful, and the stuff I do are... really, ugly... \u003c:lori_triste:370344565967814659\u003e)","SERVERINFO_MEMBERS":"Members","[Translate!]POKEDEX_BASE_HAPPINESS":"Base happiness","DASHBOARD_ExecutedCommands":"Executed commands","PPT_CHOSEN":"You chosen {0}, I\u0027\u0027ve chosen {1}","PLEASE_WAIT_COOLDOWN":"Hold on! You need to wait **{0}** before using another command! 🙅","DASHBOARD_FanArtInfo":"\u003cp\u003eDid you know that there are people who like to draw me just because I helped them in their servers? 😲 (Yeah, I\u0027\u0027m surprised!)\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSo I decided to share here all the fan arts I received! Thanks to everyone that did those fan arts, I\u0027\u0027m very grateful!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eBy the way, if you want to send a fan art to me, send it \u003ca href\u003d\"https://discord.gg/V7Kbh4z\"\u003eon my Discord guild\u003c/a\u003e! If you artwork is cool it may be added here! 👏\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eNow, enough blabbering and let\u0027\u0027s see the amazing arts people created! (Click on them to open the image in an another tab!)\u003c/p\u003e","EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_DeletedBy":"**Deleted by:** {0}","AFK_UsersAreAFK":"{0} are AFK!","DASHBOARD_CustomizationIntro":"\u003cp\u003eThere are always differences, and I can\u0027\u0027t please everyone. That\u0027\u0027s why I have a very intuitive administration panel, in which you can customize a lot of features to be the way you prefer. Modify me in the way you like to fit your preferences and needs!\u003c/p\u003e","WEBSITE_MYSERVER":"My Discord Server","[Translate!]ECONOMY_NamePlural":"Sonhos","WEBSITE_DIFFERENT_USERS":" different users","KEYWORD_MEMES":"Memes","WEBSITE_SERVERS":" servers","PARAR_Description":"The party ended! Makes me leave the voice channel as my DJ job has come to an end and removes all the songs from my playlist","KEYWORD_KPOP_AND_KOREAN_CULTURE":"K-Pop \u0026 Korean Culture","BACKGROUND_CENTRAL":"Wallpaper Central","RBGAME_MaxPlayers":"Max players","CARACOROA_DESCRIPTION":"Tosses a coin and sees whether it will be heads or tails! Perfect to figure out who will be the first in a soccer match","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_VOICE_JOIN":"Notify when someone joins a voice channel","VAPORONDA_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a message with aesthetics","SERVERINFO_CHANNELS_TEXT":"Text","SPINNER_MAGIC_BALL":"Maybe you should wait between **{0}** and **{1}** seconds before respinning...","VEMDEZAP_Description":"Vem de Zap bb, aplique o poder do zapzap na sua mensagem para mostrar como você é 🔝 com as 9inhas do zapzap!","EVENTLOG_NoNickname":"No nickname","GANGUE_DESCRIPTION":"Gang from the slums","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_Translate":"\u003cb\u003eDo you know other languages?\u003c/b\u003e If you know, you can help me to translate me to other languages! Access \u003ca href\u003d\"https://github.com/LorittaBot/LorittaLocales\"\u003emy repository with all of my translations\u003c/a\u003e and see if you can help translating something!","[Translate!]GENDER_WhyShouldYouSelect":"Estou curiosa... você é o que? Um homem ou uma mulher... ou talvez nenhum dos dois!\n\nEu quero saber para que eu possa melhorar as minhas respostas á você, como nos comandos de ações!","DASHBOARD_EditButton":"Edit","EMOJISEARCH_Results":"{0} emojis related to `{1}` found.","PACKAGEINFO_INVALID":"`{0}` is not a valid postal code!","DATEUTILS_Month":"month","[Translate!]GENDER_WhatAreYou":"Então... você é o que?","POKEDEX_BASE_EXP":"Base EXP","MALANIME_Score":"Score","POKEDEX_TYPES":"Types","REP_WAIT":"You need to wait **{0}** before giving another reputation!","PAUSAR_ALREADY_PAUSED":"The music is already paused! If you want me to continue playing, use {0}continuar","AKINATOR_TIMEOUT":"You took too long to reply and that made me lose the flow of thought... try again!","SOBREMIM_DESCRIPTION":"Sets your personal \"about me\" message in your profile!","KEYWORD_TELEVISION":"Television","SERVERINFO_OWNER":"Owner","BITLY_INVALID":"`{0}` is an invalid URL!","MORSE_TO_FROM":"Morse to Text","RATEWAIFU_Mee6":"A nice and chilled bot that notify users about Twitch streams... The only sad thing is that some of his most awesome functions are paid.. I wonder, how much money does he earn charging for all these functions? I should start charging so I can afford my puddings!","MARRY_AlreadyMarried":"Você já está casado com outra pessoa! Use `{0}divorciar` antes de se casar com outra pessoa!","SPIGOTMC_DESCRIPTION":"Searches for a plugin in SpigotMC","MALANIME_Episodes":"Episodes","[Translate!]CommandCategory_ACTION_Description":"Beijos, tapas, abraços e carinhos! Está com dificuldade de demonstrar o que você realmente está sentindo e precisa de uma GIF para ajudar? Sem problemas, eu tenho uma pasta reservada para todas as ações que você deseja executar no chat!","NYANCAT_DESCRIPTION":"Nyan Cat, directly in your server! And you can also ask the size of your Nyan Cat like how you ask sandwiches in Subway!","MONEY_DESCRIPTION":"Converts a currency to another. (Example: View how much a Dollar is worth compared to Real)","DASHBOARD_AwakeFor":"I have been awake for","DASHBOARD_CommunityChannel":"Channel to relay new posts","INVITEINFO_InviteDoesNotExist":"Invite `{0}` do not exists!","AJUDA_MY_HELP":"Loritta Help","DASHBOARD_Love":"Love","KEYWORD_DISCUSSION":"Discussion","EMOJI_DESCRIPTION":"View emojis in a size you don\u0027\u0027t need to use a magnifying glass just to understand them!","PPT_WIN":"Congratulations, you won!","BOTINFO_CREATEDBY":"Loritta was created by MrPowerGamerBR","[Translate!]SPIGOTMC_DOWNLOADS":"Downloads","DASHBOARD_ADD_LORITTA":"Add Loritta","BAN_ReadyToPunish":"You are about to {0} {1} (`{2}` – `{3}`) from your server! To confirm, press the ✅","WEBSITE_ADMIN_PANEL":"Admin Panel","GENDER_Description":"Altera o seu gênero","WEBSITE_SAVE_IT":"Save","BOTINFO_MENTIONS":"`MrPowerGamerBR#4185` If it wasn\u0027\u0027t for him, I probably wouldn\u0027\u0027t even exist!\n`{0}#{1}` Because you\u0027\u0027re talking with me! 😄","USERINFO_DESCRIPTION":"View information about a user!","UPVOTE_BadIp":"Your IP is blocked due to spam! Sorry for the inconvenience.","MENCIONAR_SAID":"said","RATEWAIFU_Tatsumaki":"My older friend, did you know I was inspired on her? I wouldn\u0027t change Waifu (neither bot) if I was you!","RAFFLE_LastWinner":"Last winner: `{0}` ({1} Sonhos)","[Translate!]CommandCategory_ANIME_Name":"Anime","[Translate!]KEYWORD_YOUTUBER":"YouTuber","MCMOLETOM_Done":"Done! Now you can download your fancy skin with my pretty sweater and be happy!","[Translate!]BOTINFO_MemoryAllocated":"Memória Alocada","MCCONQUISTA_AdvancementMade":"Advancement Made!","[Translate!]DANCE_Response":"**{0} dançou com {1}!**","DASHBOARD_ENABLE_PRIVATE":"Enable messages via direct message when someone joins","PPT_Paper":"paper","MUSICINFO_REQUESTED_BY":"requested by","DASHBOARD_RoleByIntegration":"Integração","VOLUME_HIGHER":"I will turn up the song volume! You\u0027d better not play trash music!","PATREON_DESCRIPTION":"List of the lovely people that helps me every month to keep me online!","[Translate!]WARN_Common":"Aviso","PARAR_Success":"The beat stopped and all the songs in my actual playlist were deleted, thanks to everyone that attended the party!","FRASETOSCA_TooSimilar":"Gabriela already knows a similar answer to your new one! Try to be more creative with your answer!","REMOVEEMOJI_Error":"Nenhum emoji da sua lista de emojis foi deletado... 😭 Você tem certeza que estes emojis são deste servidor?","LORITTA_No":"No","[Translate!]WEBSITE_FAN_ARTS":"Fan Arts","MALANIME_AlternateTitle":"Alternative title","DASHBOARD_ALLOW_SERVER_INVITES":"Allow sharing the current server invites?","BAN_SuccessfullyPunished":"Used was successfully punished!","DISCRIM_DESCRIPTION":"View all users who share a common discriminator with you or with another user!","[Translate!]BOTINFO_MemoryUsed":"Memória Utilizada","[Translate!]QUICKPUNISHMENT_Enabled":"As punições rápidas foram ativadas! Ao punir um usuário, eu nem irei te perguntar se você realmente quer punir o usuário, vai punir direto sem dó e nem piedade! ...só não venha reclamar depois que você não queria ter punido aquele usuário, okay?","WARN_Description":"Give a warning to a user of your server, you can customize the actions of this command (such as sending the message of the punishment directly, sending a punishment channel, among other things) on [my website] (https: //loritta.website/dashboard/)!","EMOJISEARCH_Description":"Trying to find an emoji that you had seen somewhere, but you can\u0027\u0027t find it? Then try searching for it on my emoji database!","TEMPO_MAX":"Maximum","[Translate!]DASHBOARD_NoPermission":"Sem Permissão","KYM_NO_DESCRIPTION":"No description...","LIMPAR_COUDLNT_FIND_MESSAGES":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find any messages to be deleted...","[Translate!]SAY_YouDontHavePermissionToTalkIn":"Você não tem permissão para falar no {0}!","[Translate!]BOTINFO_KotlinVersion":"Versão do Kotlin","WEBSITE_DONATE_HelpExplain":"\u003cp\u003eThanks for wanting to help me stay online! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://loritta.website/assets/img/blobCouple.png\" style\u003d\"height: 1.5em; vertical-align: -.4em;\"\u003e\u003c/img\u003e Isto significa muito para mim (afinal, sem dinheiro \u003d sem hospedagem para eu ficar online 😭)\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eExistem várias formas de você poder me ajudar, escolha a que você preferir e, novamente, muito obrigada por querer me ajudar! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://loritta.website/assets/img/blobBlush.png\" style\u003d\"height: 1.5em; vertical-align: -.4em;\"\u003e\u003c/img\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSe você está em dúvida de qual forma de pagamento você deve usar...\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cb\u003ePatreon:\u003c/b\u003e Se você tiver um cartão internacional, quiser ajudar de uma forma recorrente (ou seja, a cada mês) e quiser que o seu nome apareça no \u003ccode class\u003d\"inline\"\u003e+patreon\u003c/code\u003e, então pague via Patreon! \u003ci\u003eEsta é a melhor forma de me ajudar!\u003c/i\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cb\u003ePayPal:\u003c/b\u003e Se você tiver um cartão internacional ou tiver saldo no PayPal.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cb\u003eMercadoPago:\u003c/b\u003e Se você tiver um cartão nacional, boleto bancário ou saldo no MercadoPago.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cb\u003eBitcoin:\u003c/b\u003e Se você tem Bitcoin. (meio óbvio isso né, nem sei porque precisei explicar)\u003c/p\u003e","BACKGROUND_EDITED":"Because your image wasn\u0027\u0027t 400x300, I needed to change it a little bit!","RBGAME_Description":"Searches information about an game in Roblox","YOUTUBE_LastLikedVideo":"Last liked video","CommandCategory_MISC_Description":"Commands that to this day still haven\u0027\u0027t found a specific category to live in... Here you will find a bunch of commands that don\u0027\u0027t fit other categories!","TEMPO_MIN":"Minium","MUSIC_ADDED":"Added `{0}` to the queue!","DASHBOARD_Privacy":"Privacy","EMOJISEARCH_AddError":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t add the emoji...","KEYWORD_EMOTES":"Emotes","[Translate!]GENDER_SuccessfullyChanged":"Gênero alterado com sucesso!","[Translate!]KISS_Response":"**{0} beijou {1}!**","PACKAGEINFO_DESCRIPTION":"Shows the status of a postal package, works with Correios (Brasil) and CTT (Portugal)","ROLL_INVALID_NUMBER":"Invalid number!","DASHBOARD_Music":"Music","ROLEID_RolesThatContains":"Roles that contains `{0}`...","UPVOTE_UnknownGuild":"I\u0027\u0027m not on this server, so sadly I can\u0027\u0027t process your upvote... (or I\u0027\u0027m restarting!)","YOUTUBE_CHANNEL":"Channel","DASHBOARD_MinimumStars":"Minimum number of","[Translate!]DASHBOARD_RoleByIntegration":"Integração","KEYWORD_AESTHETICS":"AESTHETICS/Vaporwave","MCQUERY_IP":"Server\u0027s IP","WEBSITE_ADD_ME":"Add me! 🙋","DASHBOARD_AddCommunity":"Add Community","LORITTA_PleaseDisableAdblock":"Please disable AdBlock!","AFK_Description":"Are you going to be away from the keyboard? Then enable AFK mode so everyone will know that you can\u0027\u0027t reply when someone mentions you!","SERVERINFO_CHANNELS_VOICE":"Voice","KEYWORD_MUSIC":"Music","POKEDEX_EFFORT_POINTS":"Effort Points","DASHBOARD_IgnoreCommands":"Ignore Commands","SERVERINFO_Features":"Exclusive Features","TODOGRUPOTEM_EveryGroupHas":"Every group has...","DASHBOARD_ACTIVATE_MODULE":"Enable module?","KEYWORD_FURRY":"Furry","WARN_Title":"Lista de Avisos","KYM_COULDNT_FIND":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find anything related to `{0}`!","[Translate!]WEBSITE_DONATE_Rewards":"\u003cp\u003eSe você pagar via Patreon, você irá receber o cargo \u003cspan style\u003d\"color: rgb(155, 89, 182); background-color: rgba(155, 89, 182, 0.298039); font-family: Whitney, \u0027Helvetica Neue\u0027, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 600;\"\u003e@💵🌆 Pagadores do Aluguel (Patreons)\u003c/span\u003e no meu servidor, e ainda terá o seu nome no \u003ccode class\u003d\"inline\"\u003e+patreon\u003c/code\u003e!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSe você pagar via PayPal/MercadoPago/Bitcoin, você irá receber o cargo \u003cspan style\u003d\"color: rgb(113, 54, 138); background-color: rgba(113, 54, 138, 0.298039); font-family: Whitney, \u0027Helvetica Neue\u0027, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 600;\"\u003e@😎🆒 Super Fã Clube da Loritta (Doadores)\u003c/span\u003e no meu servidor!\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eCaso você pague via PayPal/MercadoPago/Bitcoin, envie uma mensagem para \u003ccode class\u003d\"inline\"\u003eMrPowerGamerBR#4185\u003c/code\u003e comprovando que você pagou! 😉\u003c/p\u003e","ENCODE_InvalidMethod":"`{0}` não é um método de codificação válido!","EXAMPLE":"Example","MUSIC_PLAYLIST_ADDED":"Added {0} songs to the queue!","ATA_DESCRIPTION":"Monica saw an image you sent and reacted in the best way possible.","WEBSITE_DONATE_InactiveContributors":"Inactive Contributors","WEBSITE_DONATE_ApoiaSe":"\u003cb\u003eAPOIA.se:\u003c/b\u003e If you have a credit card or if you want to pay using bank-payable invoices. APOIA.se works with recurrent payments (that is, every month). \u003ci\u003eThis is one of the best ways to help me!\u003c/i\u003e","[Translate!]REMOVEEMOJI_Error":"Nenhum emoji da sua lista de emojis foi deletado... 😭 Você tem certeza que estes emojis são deste servidor?","ROLEID_RoleIds":"Role IDs...","AFK_AfkOn":"AFK mode enabled! For your convenience, the AFK mode will be automatically disabled when you send an message in chat! 😉","MALANIME_Description":"Searches information about an anime in MyAnimeList!","ESCOLHER_DESCRIPTION":"Do you need some help to choose something? Then let me choose for you!","AMINO_LANGUAGE":"Language","[Translate!]ATTACK_Response":"**{0} atacou {1}!**","LORITTA_MaybeLater":"Maybe later...","RBUSER_DESCRIPTION":"Searches for information about a Roblox user","DASHBOARD_WarnOnUnknownCommand":"Warns when a user tries to use a unknown command.","INVALID_NUMBER":"`{0}` is a unrecognizable number for a bot like me, sorry. 😢","GUMBALL_Description":"\"You know what I do when I\u0027\u0027m feeling a bit low?\"","PAUSAR_DESCRIPTION":"Pauses the current music","EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_DELETED_UPLOADS":"**Attached files:**","ERROR_SorryForTheInconvenience":"Sorry for the inconvenience...","MCSIGN_DESCRIPTION":"Writes something on a Minecraft sign!","AMIZADE_ENDED":"","MUSICINFO_LIKES":"Likes","SPIGOTMC_CONTRIBUTORS":"Contributors","[Translate!]CommandCategory_IMAGES_Name":"Photoshop","RATEWAIFU_Lorrita":"Learn how to write my name correctly.","REMOVEEMOJI_Description":"Remove um emoji do seu servidor","DASHBOARD_CommandCount":"Available Commands","KEYWORD_ENTERTAINMENT":"Entertainment","SOFTBAN_NO_PERM":"I don\u0027\u0027t have permission to softban this user!","UPVOTE_PleaseCompleteCaptcha":"Please complete the reCAPTCHA","DASHBOARD_MANAGE_SERVER":"Manage Server","KEYWORD_TERROR_AND_CREEPYPASTA":"Horror \u0026 Creepypasta","CHATLOG_Description":"Creates a text file with all the last messages in the server (max 1000 messages)","VEMDEZAP_WhatIsTheLevel":"What will be the intensity of your zap?","LORITTA_PleaseDonate":"If you like my features and you want to help me, then please, donate to me to help me to stay online! Every donation helps and, after donating, you can receive rewards because you helped me, thanks for helping! {0}","[Translate!]ENCODE_OriginalText":"Texto Original","[Translate!]SAY_CommandsCannotBeUsedIn":"Comandos não podem ser utilizados no {0}!","PERMISSION_VIEW_AUDIT_LOGS":"View Audit Logs","PERFIL_SOBRE_MIM":"About Me","[Translate!]MUTE_MuteRemoved":"O usuário aprendeu a falar novamente, espero que dessa vez ele fale coisas interessantes e legais para que não seja silenciado de novo!","[Translate!]TEXTCRAFT_Description":"Crie um texto bonito e supimpa! Fontes disponíveis: {0}","OCR_COUDLNT_FIND":"I didn\u0027\u0027t find any text in that image...","DASHBOARD_Users":"Users","WIKIA_COULDNT_FIND":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find anything related to `{0}` in wiki `{1}`!","KEYWORD_NSFW":"NSFW","PRIMEIRAS_DESCRIPTION":"Oh my god, the baby\u0027\u0027s first words","DASHBOARD_SyncAminoCommunities":"Sync posts from Amino Communities","ECONOMY_Name":"Sonho","DASHBOARD_AddCommand":"Add Command","BAN_PunishedBy":"Punished by","SERVERINFO_UnknownGuild":"I don\u0027\u0027t know an guild with ID `{0}`... 😢","[Translate!]BOTINFO_ThreadCount":"Número de Threads","[Translate!]CommandCategory_ROBLOX_Name":"Roblox","PPT_DESCRIPTION":"Play Rock, Paper and Scissors! (jankenpon)","RANK_SERVER_RANK":"{0}\u0027\u0027s Rank","ISUP_DESCRIPTION":"Verifies if a website is online!","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_DisableAdBlock":"\u003cb\u003eDisable AdBlock on my Website:\u003c/b\u003e Yes, I also don\u0027\u0027t like ads... But sadly I need ads to survive... If you have an AdBlocker installed on your browser, please, disable it while you are acessing my website! I promise you my ads aren\u0027\u0027t intrusive and disabling it will help me stay online!","LIMPAR_SUCCESS_IGNORED_TOO_OLD":"Chat cleared by {0}, however {1} messages couldn\u0027\u0027t be deleted because they were sent more than 2 weeks ago!","ANAGRAMA_Stats":"The word `{0}` has **{1} different anagrams**!","DASHBOARD_HideSharedServers":"Hide shared servers","PEPEDREAM_Description":"When you wake up from a beautiful dream and discover that the dream was not real...","MUSIC_NOTFOUND":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find anything related to `{0}` on YouTube... Try using the video\u0027s link instead of searching for it!","KEYWORD_FITNESS_AND_HEALTH":"Fitness \u0026 Health","SPIGOTMC_DOWNLOAD":"Download","DASHBOARD_INVITE_BLOCKER":"Invite Blocker","PREMIUM_CantUseFeature":"Your server doesn\u0027t have this feature because it\u0027s a premium feature! Are you interested in being able to use it? Then you can donate so that I can be online longer! https://loritta.website/donate (Also join my support server so that you are able to know more about the rewards of donating! \u003chttps://loritta.website/support\u003e)","VOLUME_TOOHIGH":"Do you wanna affect your hearing? Well, you can, but I\u0027\u0027m also listening and I don\u0027\u0027t want to.","TEMPO_TEMPERATURA":"Temperature","KNUXTHROW_Description":"\"You can\u0027\u0027t touch the Master Emerald!\", Make Knuckles throw something away!","TRIGGERED_Description":"You know when someone is triggered? Then, make an image with them!","DASHBOARD_FanClub":"Community","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_EDIT":"Notify when a message is edited","DEMON_Description":"Begone, demon!\n\nOriginal animation provided by CptNameless","MCHEAD_HEAD_DE":"{0}\u0027\u0027s head","GENDER_WhyShouldYouSelect":"Estou curiosa... você é o que? Um homem ou uma mulher... ou talvez nenhum dos dois!\n\nEu quero saber para que eu possa melhorar as minhas respostas á você, como nos comandos de ações!","PPT_DRAW":"A tie! How about a rematch?","RATEWAIFU_Tyrone":"10/10 guy, and he\u0027s Brazilian! Did you know that? When I looked at him, I saw he needed some upgrades, a lot of them, because Tyrone is a really good bot!","WEBSITE_MY_DISCORD":"My Discord","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_SERVER_NICK_CHANGE":"Notify when someone changes their nickname","[Translate!]CommandCategory_SOCIAL_Name":"Social","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_VOICE_LEAVE":"Notify when someone leaves a voice channel","YOUTUBE_COULDNT_FIND":"I couldn\u0027\u0027t find anything related to `{0}`!","WEBSITE_DONATE_EXPLAIN":"\u003cp\u003eIn order to keep me online 24/7 (well, sometimes I\u0027\u0027m offline to drink water, go lunch at Outback and sometimes drink an frappuccino without coffee at Starbucks) it is necessary to pay a server for me! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/350722757836800010.png?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eCurrently I\u0027\u0027m hosted in a dedicated server with 32GBs/4.00GHz RAM/4.00GHz/Intel Core i7 6700K/256GBs SSD at \u003ca href\u003d\"http://payments.reliablesite.net/aff.php?aff\u003d862\"\u003eReliableSite\u003c/a\u003e! This costs approximately \u003cb\u003e89 USD\u003c/b\u003e every month! And this is without considering payments for domains, merchandise, food, dollar price flutuations and, of course, for \u003ca href\u003d\"https://mrpowergamerbr.com\"\u003eMrPowerGamerBR\u003c/a\u003e to use his time to improve and add new features to me! Reminder that when more people start using me, more money I will need to have to keep me online happy and well! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/451143444753154058.gif?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSo, if you have a bit of money because you decided to not buy that nasty musty sandwich at Vieirinha\u0027s Bar, why not donate it to me? It doesn\u0027\u0027t matter if you only have one dollar and you are thinking \"oh, but one dollar doesn\u0027\u0027t help too much, I won\u0027\u0027t donate then...\", every donation is welcome and helps keeping me online! When donating you earn exclusive rewards, earn fame and glory, and the best of all, helps keeping me online for longer, helping me to share happiness and fun in other servers! \u003cimg src\u003d\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/406559919681175572.gif?v\u003d1\" class\u003d\"inline-emoji\"\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","MONEY_INVALID_CURRENCY":"`{0}` is not a valid currency! 💸\n**Valid currencies:** {1}","SLAP_Description":"Dê um tapa em alguém!","DASHBOARD_ClickToRemoveTextChannel":"Click a text channel from the list below to remove it!","LORIPERMISSION_DJ":"DJ","CommandCategory_FUN_Description":"Do you wanna have some fun? Do you want to cheer up your server chat with fun and random stuff? Then try my fun commands!","WIKIPEDIA_COULDNT_FIND":"I didn\u0027\u0027t find anything related to `{0}`!","UPVOTE_InvalidCaptchaResponse":"Invalid reCAPTCHA! Try filling out the reCAPTCHA again!","AFK_UserIsAfk":"{0} is AFK!","MCSTATUS_MOJANG_STATUS":"Mojang\u0027\u0027s status","UTBATTLE_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a speech bubble like in Undertale","PATREON_THANKS":"Thanks to the people listed below for helping me to stay online!","WIKIPEDIA_DESCRIPTION":"Shows a summary of a Wikipedia page","DASHBOARD_AddChannel":"Add Channel","SONHOS_YouHave":"You have **{0,number,#.##} Sonhos**!","[Translate!]LYRICS_Description":"Está passando vergonha porque você esqueceu como é a letra da sua música favorita? Tentando entender o que estão falando na música que você está escutando? Então pergunte para mim qual é a letra da música!","BACKGROUND_TEMPLATE_INFO":"Click in ⬅ to go back one template\nClick in ➡ to view the next template\nClick in ✅ to use this template as your wallpaper","KYM_DESCRIPTION":"Searches a meme in KnowYourMeme","WEBSITE_DONATE_PicPay":"\u003cb\u003ePicPay:\u003c/b\u003e If you have money in your PicPay\u0027\u0027s balance ou credit card. PicPay works with one-time payments. Perfect if you want to use a bit of money that you received with cashbacks for something useful!","[Translate!]CommandCategory_POKEMON_Name":"Pokémon","MCHEAD_DESCRIPTION":"Shows the head of a Minecraft account. If the account doesn\u0027\u0027t exist, it will show the default skin (Steve)","PERFIL_LORITTA_DESCRIPTION":"Howdy, my name is Loritta (or, to close friends, \"Lori\") and I\u0027m just a cute bot for Discord with lots of cool features!","DASHBOARD_ENABLE_PRIVATE_SUB":"Useful when you want to show basic information about the server but don\u0027\u0027t want to flood a channel with useless informations every time someone joins.","WEBSITE_OUR_DISCORD":"Our Discord","EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_EDITED":"**{0} edited a text message**\n\nPrevious message: ```\n{1}```\nNew message: ```\n{2}```","SIMSIMI_FAIL":"...it seems our little friend Simsimi doesn\u0027\u0027t has a response for that. 🤷 But anyway, ","[Translate!]GENDER_Description":"Altera o seu gênero","RBUSER_SOCIAL":"Social","UPVOTE_NeedsToBeMember":"You need to be a member of this server before voting!","SPINNER_SPINNED":"Your spinner spinned for **{0}** seconds!","RANK_DESCRIPTION":"View this server rank!","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_AVATAR_CHANGE":"Notify when someone changes their avatar","SPINNER_RESPINNED":"You respinned your spinner! 🔥 Keep at it to keep your spinner spinning!","VOTE_YourLink":"Vote at `{0}` to help it grow! {1}","RBGAME_Genre":"Genre","MALANIME_InProductionSince":"In production since","[Translate!]SERVERICON_NoIcon":"Este servidor não possui um ícone!","RIPVIDA_FILE":"doge_vida_en.png","SHIP_NEW_COUPLE":"Hmmm, do we have a new couple here?","WEBSITE_DONATE_Patreon":"\u003cb\u003ePatreon:\u003c/b\u003e If you have a credit card. Patreon works with recurrent payments (that is, every month). \u003ci\u003eThis is one of the best ways to help me!\u003c/i\u003e","KEYWORD_GIVEAWAYS":"Giveaways","[Translate!]SLAP_Description":"Dê um tapa em alguém!","ART_Description":"What art makes you inspired again?\n","KICK_PunishAction":"Kicked","BOTINFO_BuildNumber":"Número da Build","LYRICS_Description":"Está passando vergonha porque você esqueceu como é a letra da sua música favorita? Tentando entender o que estão falando na música que você está escutando? Então pergunte para mim qual é a letra da música!","FRASETOSCA_ThanksForHelping":"Now Gabriela is smarter, thank you! 🤓","DAILY_PleaseWait":"You have already got your daily Sonhos! You\u0027\u0027ll be able to get them again in {0}!","POKEDEX_ADDED_IN_GEN":"Added in Generation","PACKAGEINFO_COULDNT_FIND":"I didn\u0027\u0027t find the object `{0}` in Correios\u0027\u0027 database!","ANAGRAMA_DESCRIPTION":"Creates a word\u0027\u0027s anagram!","TODOGRUPOTEM_Description":"Every group has...","COLOR_Complementary":"Complementary","ROLL_DESCRIPTION":"Rolls a dice and tells you its result, perfect when you want to play Monopoly, but you have lost the dices.","SERVERINFO_JOINED_IN":"Joined at","MCBODY_DESCRIPTION":"Shows the body of a Minecraft account. If the account doesn\u0027\u0027t exist, it will show the default skin (Steve)","DASHBOARD_ChannelName":"Channel Name","MENCIONAR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE":"I didn\u0027\u0027t find any messages with that ID. Before you start scolding me, keep in mind I can only get messages in the text channel I\u0027\u0027m currently in!","REMOVEEMOJI_Success":"{0} {1} foram deletados com sucesso!","MUSIC_ERROR":"Oh, shoot!\n`{0}`\n(Probably it is a VEVO video and they only let you watch the video in YouTube\u0027\u0027s website... 😢)","KEYWORD_FASHION_AND_BEAUTY":"Fashion \u0026 Beauty","DISCRIM_InvalidDiscriminator":"`{0}` is not a valid discriminator!","[Translate!]BOTINFO_MemoryTotal":"Memória Total","BACKGROUND_UPDATED":"Updated wallpaper!","EMOJISEARCH_FoundAt":"Emoji sighted in `{0}`","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_POSITION_UPDATED":"Notify when the position of an text channel is changed","WEBSITE_ABOUT":"About Loritta","CommandCategory_SOCIAL_Name":"Social","CONGAPARROT_Description":"Does a beautiful line of conga! (parrots included)","WEBSITE_HOME":"Home","REP_SELF":"You can\u0027t give reputation to yourself, silly!","MCQUERY_PROTOCOL":"Protocol","BAN_UserNotInThisServer":"User isn\u0027\u0027t on this server!","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_Share":"\u003cb\u003eAdvertise me to other users:\u003c/b\u003e Advertising is one of the best things you can do, found a server that I\u0027\u0027m not in there? Then do a suggestion to the server staff telling why they should add me and why would I be helpful there! Maybe they will accept it and you will be helping me grow!","SPIGOTMC_UPDATED":"Last update","MALANIME_Type":"Type","DASHBOARD_HeyINeedPermission":"To use this feature, I need to have permission to {0} in your server!","SAY_Description":"Make me say something!","CommandCategory_POKEMON_Description":"Pokémon related commands","GAMEJOLT_DESCRIPTION":"Search games on GameJolt!","PPT_INVALID":"What a shame... you lost, choose something valid next time, okay?","AMIZADE_AMIZADE_COM":"Friendship ended with {0}","ADMINP_EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_TOPIC_UPDATED":"Notify when a text channel topic is changed","[Translate!]BOTINFO_JavaVersion":"Versão do Java","[Translate!]ENCODE_InvalidMethod":"`{0}` não é um método de codificação válido!","TEMPO_PREVISAO_PARA":"Weather forecast for {0}, {1}","BACKGROUND_YOUR_CURRENT_BG":"Your current wallpaper","CommandCategory_MISC_Name":"Miscellaneous","WEBSITE_DONATE_ButIDontHaveMoney_VoteDBL":"\u003cb\u003eVote to me on Discord Bots:\u003c/b\u003e When voting to me on Discord Bots, you earn an exclusive badge for 24 hours and you also advertise me to other people that still doesn\u0027\u0027t know me! You can vote \u003cb\u003eevery day\u003c/b\u003e and every vote helps me a lot!","RIPVIDA_DESCRIPTION":"An innocent doggo saw an image that caused him to rethink all his entire life...","KYM_UNKNOWN":"Unknown","SOFTBAN_DESCRIPTION":"\"Softbans\" a user. In other words, the user is banned and then quickly unbanned and can be used to delete the messages of a user.","BAN_RoleTooLow":"I can\u0027\u0027t punish this user, my role is lower than the role of the punished user!","[Translate!]REMOVEEMOJI_Description":"Remove um emoji do seu servidor","WEBSITE_WITHOUT_RESTARTING":"without restarting the JVM (Uptime)","TRUMP_DESCRIPTION":"What presient Trump is showing today?","KEYWORD_MOVIES":"Movies","MUTE_MuteRemoved":"O usuário aprendeu a falar novamente, espero que dessa vez ele fale coisas interessantes e legais para que não seja silenciado de novo!","EVENTLOG_CHANNEL_NAME_UPDATED":"**{0}\u0027\u0027s name was changed!**\n\nPrevious name: `{1}`\nNew name: `{2}`"}
Desenhando a Loritta

Terms of Service & Privacy

To be able to work well, I need some information about you and other Discord users. Because of that, I have my Terms of Service so that you are able to see what I get from you and of course, everything that I can do!

Briefly: You are responsible of any image/video/audio/media sent to me, Abusing bugs, using self-bots or cheating are prohibited and will result in a permanent ban of the usage of my features (and other services). We collect information such as your ID, username, email, IP address, avatar, servers, messages, media and other data (but we wont distribute such information to third parties), you must not defame or damage Lorittas image, PerfectDreams, MrPowerGamerBR or any other PerfectDreams service. You may be suspended of using Loritta or any other service for any cause, you wont be able to recover data if lost, and you have to agree with everything that is in the Terms of Service.

Terms of Service & Privacy

Last modified: April 17, 2018.

Introduction and Accepting the Terms

These Terms of Service (“Terms”), which include and hereby incorporate the Privacy Policy at loritta.website/privacy (“Privacy Policy”), are a legal agreement between PerfectDreams and its related companies (“Loritta”, “MrPowerGamerBR” or "us") and you ("you"). By using Loritta (the “Bot”) or the website located at https://loritta.website (the "Site"), which are collectively referred to as the “Service,” you agree (i) that you are 13 years of age or older, (ii) if you are the age of majority in your jurisdiction or over, that you have read, understood, and accept to be bound by the Terms, and (iii) if you are between 13 and the age of majority in your jurisdiction, that your legal guardian has reviewed and agrees to these Terms.

The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or revise these Terms at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Any such change or modification will be effective seven (7) days following posting on the Service, and your continued use of the Service after the effective date will constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to, such changes or modifications. If you object to any change or modification, your sole recourse shall be to cease using the Service.

PerfectDreams has developed multiple applications (such as: PerfectDreams Network, Loritta, and others) for use with other aplications (such as: Minecraft, Discord online and mobile chat platform ("Discord")). This document applies to Loritta (“LorittaBot”, “bot”, “our bot”).

By using our bots, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. You are expected to have read and understood this Agreement. PerfectDreams is not responsible for any damage done to servers by our bot so long as no developers are at fault.

Rights to use the service

The Service provides a extension to the social online and mobile chat platform Discord via the Discord App and related Internet services. The Service may allow you to utilize messaging features to communicate with other users of the Service. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, the Company grants you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use and access the Service, solely for your personal, non-commercial use.

You agree not to (and not to attempt to) (i) use the Service for any use or purpose other than as expressly permitted by these Terms or (ii) copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works based upon, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast or otherwise exploit the Service or any portion of the Service, except as expressly permitted in these Terms. No licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by the Company or its licensors, except for the permissions and rights expressly granted in these Terms.

Company reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice. The Company reserves the right to refuse any user access to the Services without notice for any reason, including but not limited to a violation of the Terms.

If you violate these Terms, the Company reserves the right to issue you a warning regarding the violation or immediately terminate or suspend any or all Accounts you have created using the Service and reserves the right to also terminate or suspend other accounts in other services. You agree that the Company need not provide you notice before terminating or suspending your Account(s), but it may do so.


We will not charge you a fee to use the basic functionality of the Service. However, you may have to pay a fee to use certain features of the Service or to obtain Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods (as defined and discussed further below).

The price for utilizing these features or obtaining such Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods will be displayed on the App or within the Bot. We may also require you to pay any amounts due via a third party payment service. Payments of such fees will be governed by your app store’s or such third party’s terms applicable to in-app purchases. You agree to comply with all such terms and other requirements of your app store or such third party.

You are responsible for determining and paying the appropriate government taxes, fees, and service charges resulting from a transaction occurring through the Service. We are not responsible for collecting, reporting, paying, or remitting to you any such taxes, fees, or service charges, except as may otherwise be required by law.

Your Content

Any data, text, graphics, photographs and their selection and arrangement, and any other materials uploaded to the Service by you is “Your Content.” You represent and warrant that Your Content is original to you and that you exclusively own the rights to such content, including the right to grant all of the rights and licenses in these Terms without the Company incurring any third party obligations or liability arising out of its exercise of such rights and licenses. All of Your Content is your sole responsibility and the Company is not responsible for any material that you upload, post, or otherwise make available.

By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Content with the Service, you grant to us a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use, host, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display Your Content in connection with operating and providing the Service.

The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, quality, or integrity of any user content posted. By using the Service you acknowledge and accept that you may be exposed to material you find offensive or objectionable. You agree that the Company will not under any circumstances be liable for any user content, including, but not limited to, errors in any user content, or any loss or damage incurred by use of user content.

The Company reserves the right to remove and permanently delete Your Content from the Service with or without notice for any reason or no reason.

Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods

The Service may include an opportunity to obtain virtual currency ("Virtual Currency") or virtual goods ("Virtual Goods") that may require you to pay a fee using legal tender (that is, "real money") to obtain the Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods. Your purchase of Virtual Currency is final and is not refundable, exchangeable, transferable, except in the Company’s or the platform provider’s sole discretion. You may not purchase, sell, or exchange Virtual Currency outside the Service. Doing so is a violation of the Terms and may result in termination of your Account with the Service and/or legal action. The Company retains the right to modify, manage, control and/or eliminate Virtual Currency and/or Virtual Goods at its sole discretion. Prices and availability of Virtual Goods are subject to change without notice. We shall have no liability to you or any third party for the exercise of such rights. You shall have a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable permission to use solely within the Service Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency that you have earned, purchased or otherwise obtained in a manner authorized by the Company. You have no other right, title or interest in or to any such Virtual Goods or Virtual Currency appearing or originating in the Service.

On the occasion of a chargeback, the Company reserves the right to issue you a warning regarding the violation or immediately terminate or suspend any or all Accounts you have created using the Service and reserves the right to also terminate or suspend other accounts in other services.

Data Controller

All data can only be accessed by Leonardo (MrPowerGamerBR#4185 — https://mrpowergamerbr.com), which agreed to not share/sell/distribute any of the stored data with third parties.

Types of data collected

1.1a User Data. User Data includes but is not limited to User IDs, User IPs, User emails, profile pictures, user names, and user tags (“discriminator”). PerfectDreams uses Customer Data is a means to customize the Licensee's experience and help the Licensee in any way possible. Usage may include but is not limited to debugging information for commands such as "suggest" or "support" information to identify a user, use within message embeds, logging about the user and command usage.

1.1b Guild Data. Guild Data includes but is not limited to Guild IDs, Guild icons, Guild names, Member count, Roles, Channels, and Roles possessed by a Member. Guild Data is a means to customize the Licensee's experience even further and help the Licensee in any way that the User Data is not helpful for. Usage may include but is not limited to debugging information for commands such as "suggest" or "support" information to identify a guild, use within message embeds, and logging about command usage. Furthermore, the developers use may use Guild Data in any way they need so long as they do not use it for any malicious purposes. Developers reserve the right to generate an invite to a guild in order to provide support or determine if the guild has been abusing any of our bots.

1.2 Usage and Storage of User Data and Guild Data. PerfectDreams reserves the right to use and store Customer Data and Guild Data in any way necessary for the functionality of our bots. PerfectDreams will not use Customer Data or Guild Data for any malicious purposes, but will only use them when they are required for specific commands or features of our bots. Customer Data and Guild will only be stored in specific situations in which they are needed for a feature to persist. This includes but is not limited to user currency, event logging, blacklisting, and access to specific perks.

Bot Usage

2.1 Bot & Guilds. PerfectDreams reserve the right to remove Loritta from any guild at any time. We may remove Loritta from a server for any reason, such as: (a) Guild is abusing of the bot, causing issues with it. (b) Guild is slandering Loritta's, PerfectDreams's, MrPowerGamerBR's or any of the project contributors' reputation. (c) We do not want our services to be associated with the server.

2.2 Official Server Bans. If you are banned from any PerfectDreams, Loritta and/or MrPowerGamerBR related guild for any reason, we may apply a ban and be blacklisted on any of our other servers and services.

2.3 Spam and Bot Abuse. If you spam commands or abuse any of our services in any way, you will be blacklisted and banned from any of our services. We will also add you to both Discord banlists and warn other bot developers about you and, if it was a serious violation (such as: raiding, harrasment and other violations), you may be banned from every server Loritta is in.

Disclaimer of Warranty


Limitation of Liability



You specifically acknowledge that the Company shall not be liable for user content, including without limitation Your Content, or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you.


Usage of any of our services affirms that the Licensee has read this Agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its contents.